September 7, 2009 - Volume 87, Number 36
- pp. 83-84
ACS News
Election Statements
- Nancy B. Jackson
- Cheryl A. Martin
- Mary Virginia Orna
- D. Richard Cobb
- Neil D. Jespersen
- Judith L. Benham
- Peter K. Dorhout
- Dennis Chamot
- H. N. Cheng
- Ray A. Dickie
- Valerie J. Kuck
- Howard M. Peters
For President-Elect
For District I Director
For District V Director
For Director-At-Large
Topics Covered

Dennis Chamot
Chemical Society of Washington Section. National Research Council, Washington, D.C.
Born: 1943
Academic record: Polytechnic University, B.S., M.S., 1964; University of Illinois, Ph.D., 1969; University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, M.B.A., 1974
Honors: Henry A. Hill Award, ACS Division of Professional Relations, 1992; Charles Gordon Award, ACS Chemical Society of Washington Section, 1986; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Professional positions (for past 10 years): National Research Council, Division on Engineering & Physical Sciences, associate executive director, 2001 to date; Commission on Engineering & Technical Systems, deputy executive director, 1999–2000, associate executive director, 1994–99
Service in ACS national offices: Board of Directors, director-at-large, 2002–09; councilor ex officio, 2002–09; Executive Committee, 2004; Committee on Budget & Finance, 2005–10, chair, 2007–09, committee associate, 2004; Committee on Audits, 2009–11; Committee on Planning, 2007–08, 2004; Committee on Professional & Member Relations, 2006–08, 2003, Task Force on Globalization, 2007, chair, 2007; Committee on Public Affairs & Public Relations, 2003–05; Council Policy Committee (nonvoting), 2001–02, 2007–09, (voting), 1999–2000; Board of Trustees, Group Insurance Plans for ACS Members, 2004–09; Committee on Economic & Professional Affairs, 2001–02, chair, 2001–02, 1995–98; Committee on Project SEED, 1992–94, chair, 1992–94; Committee on Professional Relations, 1988–91, secretary, 1988–89, consultant, 1992–93, committee associate, 1984–86, 1976–77; Committee on Economic Status, 1978–86; Younger Chemists Committee, 1973–74, Task Force, chair, 1973; Professional Programs Planning & Coordinating Committee, 1982; Member Advisory Board, 1973, chair, 1973; Presidential Task Force To Study & Make Recommendations on Issues Concerning Women in Chemical Professions, 2000–02; Task Force on Council Committee Size, 2000–01; Task Force on Occupational Safety & Health, 1987–94
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1965. Division of Professional Relations: councilor, 1975–2002; chair, 1982; chair-elect, 1981; Executive Committee, 1972–2002; Professional Relations Bulletin, editor, 1972–2008. Chemical Society of Washington Section: Publicity Committee, 1988–90. Delaware Section: alternate councilor, 1973–74; Younger Chemists Committee, chair, 1971; Del-Chem Bulletin, editor, 1972–74
Member: Society for Occupational Environmental Health, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Alpha Chi Sigma. ACS Division: Professional Relations
Related activities: National Science Foundation Advisory Council, member, 1984–89; National Science Foundation, Informal Science Education Oversight Committee, chair, 1985–86; Society for Occupational Environmental Health, secretary-treasurer, 1978–82; chaired several ACS symposia. Served on study and advisory committees at the National Science Foundation, the National Research Council, the Competitiveness Policy Council, the U.S. Department of Labor, the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, and the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment
Chamot's Statement
These Are Challenging Times
As a member of the ACS Board of Directors, and especially as the chair of the Budget & Finance Committee for the past three years, I have seen in great detail the effects of the current economic downturn. Overall, ACS is very well managed, but this is not the time for flowery rhetoric or empty promises. The problems have been real and severe, and the board, as the ultimate authority for the entire organization, has been called upon to make very difficult decisions.
ACS as an organization, our members, and, indeed, the entire country have been facing very tough economic challenges over the past year. The meltdown of the financial markets has created widespread personal and corporate hardship and a great deal of uncertainty about the future.
What I Have Done
Several years ago, you honored me by electing me to the board, but this is not merely an honorary position. The ACS Board of Directors oversees a large and complex organization—one with 155,000 members, an annual budget of around $450 million, 2,000 employees, and major operations such as Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) and a Publications Division that puts out many world-class journals.
In addition to important routine board activities, I have been working to rationalize the executive compensation system, I have been involved in overseeing the development and tracking of annual budgets, I have helped in the search for new revenues by serving on the New Business Ventures Development Group, I serve on the Board of Trustees of the ACS Members Insurance Trust and chaired the committee looking for new plans and services to offer members, I chaired the board-level Task Force on Globalization, and more. Through it all, I have never forgotten that ACS is first and foremost a membership society and that keeping the society financially viable is necessary to preserve and protect a vibrant and varied set of member services.
And I have been open and candid, both in board discussions and with my council colleagues.
What I Will Do
In tough times we need to increase revenue (and revenue sources) and control costs. This requires weighing options and making decisions. In doing so I want to do all I can to preserve the membership character of the society and to ensure that we stay focused on member services and service to the broader chemical community.
I had been an active member of the council for more than 25 years before my election to the board, including chairing the Committee on Project SEED and the Committee on Economic & Professional Affairs. I have been open, approachable, and candid, and I have communicated regularly with the members of the council.
We have a large, vibrant, successful society, heavily dependent upon the activities of many volunteers in the local sections, the national divisions, and the council. I am once again seeking reelection to the ACS Board of Directors because I want to continue to have an opportunity to focus on the needs of the membership of the society while using my experience and skills to help take care of the "business" of the organization.
These are difficult times. I am up to the challenge. I would be honored to have your vote for my last term as a director-at-large.
ACS Elections: Candidates' Election Statements And Backgrounds
- Nancy B. Jackson
- Cheryl A. Martin
- Mary Virginia Orna
- D. Richard Cobb
- Neil D. Jespersen
- Judith L. Benham
- Peter K. Dorhout
- Dennis Chamot
- H. N. Cheng
- Ray A. Dickie
- Valerie J. Kuck
- Howard M. Peters
For President-Elect
For District I Director
For District V Director
For Director-At-Large
- Chemical & Engineering News
- ISSN 0009-2347
- Copyright © 2011 American Chemical Society
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