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August 08, 2011 - Volume 89, Number 32
- pp. 58 - 60
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The American Chemical Society has named 213 members as ACS Fellows. The new fellows will be honored at the society’s fall national meeting in Denver later this month.
“ACS is especially proud to honor these chemists during the 2011 International Year of Chemistry,” said ACS President Nancy B. Jackson in announcing the 2011 class of ACS Fellows. “The work they are doing will improve all of our lives as they unleash the power of chemistry to solve global challenges like providing clean water, sufficient food, new energy sources, and cures for disease. But that’s not all,” she noted. “They’re also organizing scientific conferences for their peers, doing outreach with scouts and schools, and being mentors to the next generation of scientists.”
The fellows program began in 2009 as a way to recognize and honor ACS members from academe, industry, and government for outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession, and ACS.
Nominations for the class of 2012 ACS Fellows will open in the first quarter of the year. Additional information about the program, including a list of fellows named in earlier years, is available at
Robert J. Alaimo
Procter & Gamble Co. (Retired)
Daniel J. Antion
University of South Carolina
Ronald D. Archer
University of Massachusetts (Retired)
Bruce S. Ault
University of Cincinnati
Eric Baer
Case Western Reserve University
Thomas A. Baillie
University of Washington
Kenneth J. Balkus Jr.
University of Texas, Dallas
David W. Ball
Cleveland State University
Zhenan Bao
Stanford University
Roger F. Bartholomew
Corning Inc. (Retired)
Thomas R. Beattie
Merck & Co. Inc. (Retired)
David E. Bergbreiter
Texas A&M University
Robert G. Bergman
University of California, Berkeley
K. Darrell Berlin
Oklahoma State University
Lawrence J. Berliner
University of Denver/Ohio State University (Emeritus)
Judy L. Bolton
University of Illinois, Chicago
Sandra J. Bonetti
Colorado State University, Pueblo
Robert Botto
ExxonMobil Refining & Supply (Retired)
Anita J. Brandolini
Ramapo College of New Jersey
John I. Brauman
Stanford University
Curt M. Breneman
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Phillip F. Britt
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Seth N. Brown
University of Notre Dame
Janet L. Bryant
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Laurie J. Butler
University of Chicago
Charles T. Campbell
University of Washington
Joseph A. Caruso
University of Cincinnati
David Chesney
Michigan Technological University
Donald D. Clarke
Fordham University
John V. Clevenger
Truckee Meadows Community College
Catherine E. Costello
Boston University School of Medicine
Arthur J. Coury
Coury Consulting Services
Robert H. Crabtree
Yale University
James V. Crivello
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Alvin L. Crumbliss
Duke University
Berkeley W. Cue Jr.
Pfizer (Retired)
Elizabeth M. Dabrowski
Magnificat High School
Ronald P. D’Amelia
Hofstra University
Sheila S. David
University of California, Davis
Burtron H. Davis
University of Kentucky, CAER
Peter C. Dedon
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jean Delfiner
New York City Board of Education (Retired)
M. Bonner Denton
University of Arizona
Laurence J. Doemeny
National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (Retired)
Geoffrey E. Dolbear
G. E. Dolbear & Associates
William R. Dolbier Jr.
University of Florida
Bernadette T. Donovan-Merkert
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Lissa Dulany
Positive Community Association Management
Kim R. Dunbar
Texas A&M University
Thom H. Dunning Jr.
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
William S. Durrell
Honeywell (Retired)
Luis Echegoyen
University of Texas, El Paso
Alan M. Ehrlich
Stein McEwen LLP
Chris G. Enke
Michigan State University/University of New Mexico (Emeritus)
P. Andrew Evans
University of Liverpool
Jurgen H. Exner
JHE Technology Systems
Howard Fairbrother
Johns Hopkins University
Thomas C. Farrar
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Erik J. Fernandez
University of Virginia
John W. Finley
Louisiana State University
Kenneth P. Fivizzani
Nalco (Retired)
Benny D. Freeman
University of Texas, Austin
François P. Gabbaï
Texas A&M University
Andrew J. Gellman
Carnegie Mellon University
Thomas R. Gilbert
Northeastern University
Vicki H. Grassian
University of Iowa
Lynne P. Greenblatt
Wyeth Research (Retired)
Sharon Hammes-Schiffer
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Gregory V. Hartland
University of Notre Dame
Al Hazari
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dudley R. Herschbach
Harvard University
Gary M. Hieftje
Indiana University
Joe W. Hightower
Rice University (Emeritus)
Herbert H. Hill Jr.
Washington State University
Roland F. Hirsch
Department of Energy, Office of Science
Andrew J. Holder
University of Missouri, Kansas City
Thomas A. Holme
Iowa State University
Anton J. Hopfinger
University of New Mexico
Esther A. H. Hopkins
Polaroid (Retired)
Derek Horton
Ohio State University/American University
Paul L. Houston
Georgia Institute of Technology
Bob A. Howell
Central Michigan University
Benjamin S. Hsiao
Stony Brook
Russell P. Hughes
Dartmouth College
Donna M. Huryn
University of Pittsburgh/University of Pennsylvania
James A. Ibers
Northwestern University
Paul W. Jagodzinski
Northern Arizona University
Johanna M. Jansen
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
Alex K-Y. Jen
University of Washington
Allene Johnson
Prashant V. Kamat
University of Notre Dame
George B. Kauffman
California State University, Fresno
Susan M. Kauzlarich
University of California, Davis
Michael T. Klein
University of Delaware
Judith P. Klinman
University of California, Berkeley
Theodore Kuwana
University of Kansas, Lawrence
Michael R. Ladisch
Purdue University/Mascoma Corp.
Thomas H. Lane
Delta College
Robert S. Langer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joan A. Laredo-Liddell
St. Barnabas High School
Cynthia K. Larive
University of California, Riverside
Robert D. Larsen
David M. Lemal
Dartmouth College
William A. Lester Jr.
University of California, Berkeley
Frederick D. Lewis
Northwestern University
Stephen J. Lippard
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laurie E. Locascio
National Institute of Standards & Technology
Todd L. Lowary
University of Alberta
Gregg J. Lumetta
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Patricia Ann Mabrouk
Northeastern University
John E. Macor
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Jeffry D. Madura
Duquesne University
Nadia E. Makar
Academy for Enrichment & Advancement
N. Bhushan Mandava
Mandava Associates LLC
Paul F. Mantica
Michigan State University
James L. Marshall
University of North Texas
Diana Mason
University of North Texas
Michael A. Matthews
University of South Carolina, Columbia
Hedi Mattoussi
Florida State University
Willie E. May
National Institute of Standards & Technology
James M. Mayer
University of Washington
Jimmy Mays
University of Tennessee/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ursula Mazur
Washington State University
Robert J. McMahon
University of Wisconsin, Madison
William H. McCarroll
Rider University
Nina McClelland
University of Toledo
Thomas J. Meade
Northwestern University
Robert D. Miller
IBM Almaden Research Center
Nancy Stewart Mills
Trinity University
Lester A. Mitscher
University of Kansas, Lawrence
James A. Moore
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Barbara Moriarty
Nalco Co.
Robert A. Moss
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Catherine J. Murphy
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Connie J. Murphy
Dow Chemical Co. (Retired)
Cynthia J. Mussinan
International Flavors & Fragrances, R&D
Tina M. Nenoff
Sandia National Laboratories
John L. Neumeyer
Harvard Medical School
Heino Nitsche
University of California, Berkeley
Ralph G. Nuzzo
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Umit S. Ozkan
Ohio State University
Todd Pagano
Rochester Institute of Technology
Eleftherios T. Papoutsakis
University of Delaware
Arthur A. Patchett
Merck Research Laboratories (Retired)
Laura E. Pence
University of Hartford
Nicholas A. Peppas
University of Texas, Austin
Lyle H. Phifer
Chem Service Inc. (Retired)
Theodore Provder
Polymer & Coatings Consultants LLC
Lawrence Que Jr.
University of Minnesota
Peter W. Rabideau
Mississippi State University
Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy
University of Miami
Bert Ramsay
Eastern Michigan University
J. Michael Ramsey
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Buddy Ratner
University of Washington
Patricia Ann Redden
Saint Peter’s College
Arnold L. Rheingold
University of California, San Diego
Yorke E. Rhodes
New York University (Retired)
Geraldine L. Richmond
University of Oregon
D. Paul Rillema
Wichita State University
Debra R. Rolison
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Scott D. Rychnovsky
University of California, Irvine
Barbara A. Sawrey
University of California, San Diego
Kirk S. Schanze
University of Florida
H. Bernhard Schlegel
Wayne State University
Diane Grob Schmidt
Procter & Gamble
Wally Schulz
Westinghouse Hanford Co. (Retired)
Jeffrey I. Seeman
University of Richmond
John B. Sharkey
Pace University, New York City
C. David Sherrill
Georgia Institute of Technology
Sheldon G. Shore
Ohio State University
Eleanor D. Siebert
Mount St. Mary’s College
Richard B. Silverman
Northwestern University
Patricia Beauregard Smith
TriQuint Semiconductor
Barry B. Snider
Brandeis University
George G. Stanley
Louisiana State University
Ellen B. Stechel
Sandia National Laboratories
Joseph P. Stoner
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (Retired)
Kenneth W. Street Jr.
NASA, Glenn Research Center
Steven L. Suib
University of Connecticut
Eric M. Suuberg
Brown University
Jonathan V. Sweedler
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Kenneth J. Takeuchi
State University of New York, Buffalo
Sunny C. Tang
AllPeopleBeHappy Foundation
Steven R. Tannenbaum
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kimberly W. Thomas
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jefferson Tilley
Hoffmann-La Roche
Alan E. Tonelli
North Carolina State University
Michael Trenary
University of Illinois, Chicago
Anthony M. Trozzolo
University of Notre Dame
Michael H. Tunick
USDA-ARS Eastern Regional Research Center
Joan Selverstone Valentine
University of California, Los Angeles
Edwin Vedejs
University of Michigan
Orlin D. Velev
North Carolina State University
John R. Vercellotti
Sharon Vergez Vercellotti
Israel E. Wachs
Lehigh University
Kenneth B. Wagener
University of Florida
F. Ann Walker
University of Arizona
Michael D. Ward
New York University
John C. Warner
Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry
Steven M. Weinreb
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
James D. White
Oregon State University
David F. Wiemer
University of Iowa
John R. Wiesenfeld
Florida Atlantic University (Retired)
Bobby L. Wilson
Texas Southern University
Zbigniew J. Witczak
Wilkes University
Ruth Ann Woodall
Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry
John T. Yates Jr.
University of Virginia
Sherry J. Yennello
Texas A&M University
Edward S. Yeung
Iowa State University
Edward M. Yokley
StormRider Technologies
Jin Z. Zhang
University of California, Santa Cruz
Hans-Conrad zur Loye
University of South Carolina, Columbia
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