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ACS Meeting News

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C&EN reporters cover the ACS National Meeting in Denver, August, 28–31, 2011.

Follow up-to-the-minute news coverage of the meeting, along with "C&EN Picks" videos that spotlight noteworthy sessions.

September 12, 2011

100 Years of Gibbs Medals

ACS Meeting News: Special symposium celebrates a century of seminal chemists

Intoxicating Chemistry

ACS Meeting News: In spirited research, chemists use brand-name liquors as solvents for organic syntheses

September 5, 2011

Biobased, BPA-Free Epoxies

ACS Meeting News: Chemists build biobased resins from vegetable oil.

Mass Spec May Bring 'Bath Salts' Bust

ACS Meeting News: Isotope ratio analysis traces feedstock fingerprints in drug syntheses

Nitric Oxide-Emitting Nanomaterials Kill Microbes

ACS Meeting News: Silica nanorods hold promise for fighting antibiotic-resistant pathogens.

One Label, Five Microscopies

ACS Meeting News: Metal nanoparticles can be used as universal probe for many imaging methods.

Understanding Oil-Paint Brittleness

ACS Meeting News: Metal soaps may be key to why zinc white turns brittle faster than lead white.

From Dust To Snow

ACS Meeting News: Study of atmospheric dust may herald changes in weather and climate forecasting.

September 2, 2011

No Progress On Nitrosamine Levels In U.S. Cigarettes

ACS Meeting News: Amounts of two cancer-causing chemicals remain high in U.S. cigarettes, despite a longstanding ability to reduce them.

CENtral Science - Newscripts: Twitter Takes Hold At #ACSDenver

The Twitterati were out in full force at this year’s ACS fall national meeting it seems. So much so that yesterday, ACS Web specialist Chris McCarthy (@CMcC_ACS) tweeted. » Full Story Here

September 1, 2011

Method Separates Hybrid Nanoparticles

ACS Meeting News: Chromatographic method purifies complex magnetic nanostructures.

Chemists Convene In Denver

ACS Meeting News: Chemistry of air, space, and water was meeting theme.

August 31, 2011

Making Greener Flame Retardants

ACS Meeting News: Environmentally friendly films protect cotton and foam from flames and heat.

From Dust In Asia To Snow In California

ACS Meeting News: Field study may herald changes in weather and climate forecasting.

Toxins Inspire Drug Delivery Concept

ACS Meeting News: Copolymers carry RNA therapeutics into cells and release them from cell organelles.

CENtral Science - The Safety Zone: Talking about safety culture at #ACSDenver

While we certainly missed our friends who were unable to make it to Denver because of the hurricane on the East Coast, I'd still say it has been an excellent meeting for both the Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS) and the Division of Chemical Health & Safety (CHAS). » Full Story Here

Modifying Graphene Via A Classic Route

Modifying Graphene Via A Classic Route

ACS Meeting News: Textbook reaction offers customized, covalent functionalization of carbon material's properties.

C&EN Picks: Denver Edition (August 31th, 2011)

video icon C&EN Picks for Wednesday, August 31th: The Best of the Denver meeting.

August 30, 2011

CENtral Science - the-editors-blog/: Climate Change Schizophrenia

That the discussion of global climate change, even among professional scientists, has become utterly schizophrenic was dramatically demonstrated by a symposium—or was it symposia?—at the Denver meeting sponsored by the Division of Small Chemical Business. » Full Story Here

Indole Changeup Yields Elusive Alkaloid

Indole Changeup Yields Elusive Alkaloid

ACS Meeting News: Cyclization and nitrene insertion star in synthesis.

CENtral Science - Just Another Electron Pusher: Upcoming ACS Webinars: Virtual Career Fair 2011

Hi everyone! Just wanted to draw your attention to several opportunities for learning more about chemistry careers and the job market. » Full Story Here

C&EN Picks: Denver Edition (August 30th, 2011)

video icon C&EN Picks for Tuesday, August 30th: The Best of the Denver meeting.

August 29, 2011

Entrepreneurial Focus Key To Job Creation

Entrepreneurial Focus Key To Job Creation

ACS Task Force: Recommendations could lead to 100,000 new jobs in 20 years.

Intoxicating Chemistry

Intoxicating Chemistry

ACS Meeting News: In spirited research, chemists use brand-name liquors as solvents for organic syntheses.

Molecular Velcro Stems Bloodflow

Molecular Velcro Stems Bloodflow

ACS Meeting News: Hydrophobically modified chitosan latches onto blood cells and assembles them into a gel.

C&EN Picks: Denver Edition (August 29th, 2011)

video icon C&EN Picks for Monday, August 29th: The Best of the Denver meeting.

CENtral Science - The Safety Zone: CHAS News from #ACSDenver...

Greetings from sunny and warm Denver! It's been a strange meeting; some CHAS members were unable to get here because of hurricane Irene. For many of us, our thoughts are with family and friends back East. » Full Story Here

August 28, 2011

C&EN Picks: Denver Edition (August 28th, 2011)

video icon C&EN Picks for Sunday, August 28th: The Best of the Denver meeting.

August 26, 2011

CENtral Science - The Safety Zone: Chemical and laboratory safety at #ACSDenver

As Russ and I pack up and head for the ACS National Meeting in Denver, here's a list of the Division of Chemical Health & Safety programming at the meeting. As always, I recommend the handy-dandy "Chas-At-A-Glance" document (pdf)–if you find yourself with some free time, perhaps you can catch a talk or two! » Full Story Here

August 22, 2011

CENtral Science - Newscripts: ACS National Meeting Picks

Want the scoop on newsworthy sessions at the national meeting in Denver? Check out C&EN Picks, a series of videos that will run Sunday through Wednesday of the meeting to spotlight sessions selected by C&EN reporters. » Full Story Here

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