April 19, 1999
Volume 77, Number 16
CENEAR 77 16 p. 22
ISSN 0009-2347


Major companies tap technologies through recent alliances

Company Partner Technology basis of collaboration
AgrEvoa Gene Logic Genomics for crops/crop protection
Kimeragen Gene modification technology
Lynx Therapeutics Genetics for crops/crop protection
American Cyanamidb Acacia Biosciences Compounds for agrochemicals
AgriPro Seeds Herbicide-tolerant wheat
Zeneca Seeds Transgenic canola
BASF Metanomicsc Functional plant genomics
SunGened Testing genes in crops
Bayer Exelixis Pharmaceuticals Screening targets for agrochemicals
Lion Bioscience Genomics for crop protection products
Oxford Asymmetry Compounds for agrochemicals
Paradigm Genetics Screening targets for herbicides
Dow Chemical Biosource Technologies Functional genomics for crop traits
Demegen Technology to increase protein content
Oxford Asymmetry Compounds for agrochemicals
Performance Plants Gene technology to increase yield/content
Proteome Systems Protein production in plants
Ribozyme Pharmaceuticals Technology to modify oil/starch content
SemBioSys Genetics Commercialize proteins produced in plants
DuPont CuraGen Genomics for crop protection products
3-D Pharmaceuticals Compounds for agrochemical target
Lynx Therapeutics Genetics for crops/crop protection
FMC Xenova Compounds for agrochemicals
Monsanto ArQule Compound libraries for agrochemicals
GeneTrace Genomics for crops
Incyte Pharmaceuticals Plant, bacterial, fungal genomics
Mendel Biotechnology Functional genomics in plants
Cereon Genomicse Plant genomics
Novartis Chiron Compounds for agrochemicals
CombiChem Compounds for agrochemicals
Diversa Plant genetics for transgenic crops
Rhône-Poulenc Agritope Genomics joint venture for plant traits
Celera AgGenf Corn genomics
Mycogen/Dow AgroSciences Genetic traits in crops, marketing
RhoBiog Genetics for disease resistance
Zeneca Alanex Compound libraries for agrochemicals
Incyte Pharmaceuticals Plants genomics
Rosetta Inpharmatics Compounds for crop protection products

a Joint venture between Hoechst (60%) and Schering (40%). b Subsidiary of American Home Products. c Joint venture with Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research. d Joint venture with Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam. e Subsidiary of Monsanto through collaboration with Millennium Pharmaceuticals. f Through RhoBio joint venture. g Joint venture with Biogemma.


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