April 19, 1999
Volume 77, Number 16
CENEAR 77 16 p. 30
ISSN 0009-2347


Novartis dominates in agribusiness sales

$ millions 1998 sales
Novartis $5,010
Monsanto 4,032
DuPonta 3,156
Zeneca 2,798
Dow Chemical 2,352
AgrEvob 2,330
Bayer 2,200
American Cyanamid 2,190
Rhône-Poulencc 2,066
BASF 1,880

Note: From company reports for crop protection chemicals, transgenic crops, and seeds, but excluding animal health. Converted to U.S. dollars at current exchange rates. Includes nutrition, but not proposed acquisition of Pioneer Hi-Bred. b Joint venture between Hoechst and Schering. Business to be merged with AgrEvo to become Aventis CropScience.


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