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This page updated October 7, 2011

Sep '11 | Oct '11 | Nov '11| Dec '11 | Jan '12| Feb '12 | Mar '12 | Apr '12| May '12 | Jun '12| Jul '12| Aug '12 | Sep '12 | Oct '12| Nov '12 | Dec '12

C&EN's latest list of meetings and events of interest to those in the chemical community is for September 2011 through December 2012. This listing includes international as well as domestic meetings. Please submit meeting information to Linda Wang, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 872-4579, fax (202) 872-8727, e-mail: l_wang@acs.org.

October 2011

Oct. 5–7. CHEM-MED 2011: The Intl. Chemical Event. Milan. Website: www.chem-med.eu/en_rbs/index_rbs.asp

Oct. 5–7. Cleaning Products 2011. Washington, D.C. Website: www.cleaningproductsconference.com

Oct. 8–12. 2nd Intl. Lab. Technology Conf. & Exhibit (LABTECH 2011). Doha, Qatar. Mohammad Nahid Siddiqui, e-mail: mnahid@kfupm.edu.sa, website: www.lab-tech.info/2011

Oct. 11–13. ACS Rubber Expo & Advanced Materials in Health Care; Rubber Division's 180th Technical Mtg. Cleveland. Website:www.rubber.org/rubber-expo-2011

Oct. 12–14. Analytica Anacon India. Mumbai. Website: www.analyticaindia.com

Oct. 13–15. 2nd EAACI Pediatric Allergy & Asthma Mtg. Barcelona. Website: www.eaaci-paam2011.com

Oct. 16–19. CSPA New Horizons 2011. Ponte Vedra, Fla. Consumer Specialty Products Assoc., (202) 872-8110, website: www.cspa.org

Oct. 16–20. Materials Science & Technology 2011 Conf. & Exhibit. Columbus, Ohio. Website: www.matscitech.org

Oct. 16–21. 2011 AIChE Ann. Mtg. Minneapolis. Website: www.aiche.org

Oct. 19–22. 46th Midwest & 39th Great Lakes Joint Regional ACS Mtg. St. Louis. Website: mwrm2011.org

Oct. 20–21. Frontiers of Discovery: Assoc. for Women in Science at 40 Years. Philadelphia. Website: www.chemheritage.org/AWIS

Oct. 23–26. 2011 1st Middle East Process Engineering Conf. & Exhibit.. Bahrain. Website: www.mepec.org

Oct. 23–27. 2011 Amer. Assoc. of Pharmaceutical Scientists Ann. Mtg. & Expo. Washington, D.C. Website: www.aaps.org

Oct. 24–26. Future of Pigments 2011. Berlin. Website: www.pigmentsmarket.com

Oct. 24–26. LEDs 2011: Bringing Lighting to Life. San Diego. Website: www.ledsconference.com

Oct. 24–27. Air Quality VIII: Intl. Conf. on Carbon Management, Mercury, Trace Elements, SOx, NOx & Particulate Matter. Arlington, Va. (701) 777-5174, e-mail: kgagner@undeerc.org, website: www.undeerc.org/AQ8.

Oct. 24–28. Intl. Workshop on Carbon-based Spintronics. Dresden, Germany. Website: www.pks.mpg.de/~cspin11

Oct. 25–27. CPhI Worldwide. Frankfurt. Website:www.cphi.com

Oct. 25–28. ACS 63rd Southeastern Regional Mtg. Richmond, Va. Website: sermacs2011.org

Oct. 27–28. Hair Color Global Forum 2011. Berlin. Website: www.pigmentsmarket.com

Oct. 27–30. SACNAS Natl. Conf. San Jose, Calif. Soc. for Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science, (831) 459-0170, e-mail: info@sacnas.org, website: www.sacnas.org

November 2011

Nov. 1–3. Chem Show: 54th CPI (Chemical Process Industries) Expo & Educational Conf. New York City. Website: www.chemshow.com

Nov. 7–10. 2011 IYC Symp. on Stratospheric Ozone and Climate Changes. Washington, D.C. Renyi Zhang, (979) 845-7656, e-mail: renyi-zhang@tamu.edu , website: www.2011-iyc-o3.org

Nov. 9–10. Informex Asia. Suntec, Singapore. Website: www.asia.informex.com

Nov. 9–11. Assoc. of Lab Manager's 32nd Ann. Conf. New Orleans. Website: www.labmanagers.org

Nov. 9–12. 67th ACS Southwest Regional Mtg. Austin, Texas. Website:www.acs.org/meetings

Nov. 10–12. 2011 AISES Natl. Conf. Minneapolis. American Indian Science & Engineering Soc., (505) 765-1052, e-mail: info@aises.org, website: www.aises.org

Nov. 28–Dec. 2. 2011 Materials Research Soc. Fall Mtg. Boston. Cammy R. Abernathy, (352) 392-6000, e-mail: caber@mse.ufl.edu, website: www.mrs.org

Nov. 28–Dec. 2. 21st Intl. Photovoltaic Science & Engineering Conf. (PVSEC-21). Kanagawa, Japan. Website: www.pvsec21.jp

Nov. 29–Dec. 1. 10th Ann. World Drug Manufacturing Summit 2011. Website: www.wdmsummit.com

December 2011

Dec. 4–8. 2011 Consumer Specialty Products Assoc. Ann. Mtg. Fort. Lauderdale, Fla. Website: www.cleaninginstitute.org/2011_cspa_annual_meeting

Dec. 5–7. Advanced Laboratory Design for Health, Safety & the Environment. Boston. Website: https://ccpe.sph.harvard.edu/AGLD

Dec. 7–10. Macromex. Quintana Roo, Mexico. Website: polyacs.net/Workshops/11Macromex/home.htm

Dec. 8–9. Soc. of Cosmetic Chemists Ann. Scientific Mtg. & Technology Showcase. New York City. Website: www.scconline.org

Dec. 12. SOCMA's 90th Ann. Dinner & Ann. Membership Mtg. New York City. Website:www.socma.org

January 2012

Jan. 11–13. Pure & Applied Chemistry 2012: Chemistry Beyond Boundaries. Chiangmai, Thailand. Website: www.paccon2012.com

Jan. 22–25. 26th Intl. Forum & Exhibit—Process Analytical Chemistry. Baltimore. Website: www.ifpacpat.org

Jan. 22–25. 22nd Intl. Conf.: MOLDING 2012: Technologies for Business Success. Miami. Website: www.executive-conference.com

Jan. 30–Feb. 4. American Cleaning Institute Ann. Mtg. & Industry Convention. Orlando. Website: www.cleaninginstitute.org

February 2012

Feb. 4–8. Soc. for Laboratory Automation & Screening 1st Ann. Conf. & Exhibit. San Diego. Website: www.slas2012.org

Feb. 6–7. Developing Chemical Processes for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. Hyderabad, India. E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk, website: www.scientificupdate.co.uk

Feb. 14–17. Informex. New Orleans. Website: www.informex.com

Feb. 16–20. American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science Ann. Mtg. Vancouver, B.C. Website: www.aaas.org

Feb. 21–24. 14th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering. Singapore. Website: www.rpsonline.com.sg/apcche

Feb. 22–24. Personal Care Council Ann. Mtg. Naples, Fla. Website: www.personalcarecouncil.org

Feb. 25–29. Biophysical Soc. 56th Ann. Mtg. San Diego. Website: www.biophysics.org/2012meeting

March 2012

March 11–13. National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. San Diego. Website: www.npra.org/meetings

March 11–15. Pittcon Conf. & Expo. Orlando, Fla. Website: www.pittcon.org

March 12–14. Jordan Intl. Chemical Engineering Conf. Amman, Jordan. Website: www.jeaconf.org/JIChEC06

March 12–14. Basic Hands-On CAMEO Training. Boston. Website: https://ccpe.sph.harvard.edu/CAMEO

March. 13–16. 4th Intl. Singapore Lipid Symp. Singapore. Website: www.lipidprofiles.com/index.php?id=82

March 14–17. Soc. of Chemical Engineers Spring Ann. Mtg. Tokyo. Website: www.scej.org/content/view/390/82/

March 15. 86th Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies (DCAT) Assoc. Ann. Dinner. New York City. Website: www.dcat.org/pages/week_DinnerAndSpeaker.aspx

March 19–21. Organic Process Research & Development. San Francisco. E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk, website: www.scientificupdate.co.uk

March 25–29. 243rd ACS Natl. Mtg. & Expo. San Diego. Website: www.acs.org/meetings

March 26–28. Management & Leadership Skills for Environmental Health & Safety Professionals. Boston. Website: https://ccpe.sph.harvard.edu/EHS-Leadership

March 31–April 4. American Assoc. for Cancer Research 103rd Ann. Mtg. Chicago. Website: www.aacr.org

April 2012

April 1–5. The Intl. Plastics Showcase. Orlando. Website: www.npe.org

April 1–5. Amer. Inst. of Chemical Engineers Spring Mtg. & 8th Global Cong. on Process Safety. Houston. Website: www.aiche.org/Conferences/SpringMeeting/index.aspx

April 9–13. Materials Research Soc. Spring Mtg. & Exhibit. San Francisco. Website: www.mrs.org/spring2012

April 15–19. The 24th Biennial Organic Reactions Catalysis Soc. Conf. Annapolis, Md. Website: www.orcs.org

April 17–19. In-Cosmetics. Barcelona. Website: www.in-cosmetics.com

April 17–20. Analytica. 23rd Intl. Trade Fair for Lab Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology & Analytica Conf. Munich. Website: www.analytica.de

April 18–19. 8th Ann. BioProcess Intl. Europe. Prague. Website: www.informaglobalevents.com/event/bpi2/speaking-opportunities

April 22–25. ACS Rubber Division 181st Technical Mtg. San Antonio. Website: www.rubber.org

April 23–27. Hannover Messe. Hannover, Germany. Website: www.hannovermesse.de

April 26–27. Chemspec India. Mumbai. Website: www.biztradeshows.com/chemspec-india/

April 29–May 1. Analytical & Life Science Systems Assoc. Spring Mtg. Boston. Website: www.alssa.org

April 29–May 2. Responsible Care Conf. & Exhibit. Miami. Website: americanchemistry.com/About/MeetingsConferences

April 29–May 2. 103rd American Oil Chemists' Soc. Ann. Mtg. & Expo. Long Beach, Calif. Website: annualmeeting.aocs.org

April 29–May 4. EUCHEM Conf. on Stereochemistry: 47th Bürgenstock Conf. Brunnen, Switzerland. Website: www.stereochemistry-buergenstock.ch

May 2012

May 8–9. Chemspec USA. Philadelphia. Website: www.chemspecevents.com/usa

May 12–13. Ann. Mtg. of the Belgian Polymer Group: Polymers: Surfaces & Interfaces. Houffalize, Belgium. Website: www.bpg2011.be

May 13–16. Modern Synthetic Methods & Chiral Europe: Reaction to Reality. Prague. E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk, website: www.scientificupdate.co.uk

May 15–16. New York Soc. of Cosmetic Chemists Suppliers’ Day. Edison, N.J. Website: www.nyscc.org/suppliersday2012.html

May 20–23. TIDES Oligonucleotide & Peptide Research, Technology & Product Development. Las Vegas. Website: www.ibclifesciences.com/TIDES/overview.xml

May 31–June 2. ACS 43rd Middle Atlantic Regional Mtg. Baltimore. Website: marmacs.org/2012

June 2012

June 4–5. American Chemistry Council Ann. Mtg. Colorado Springs, Colo. Website: americanchemistry.com/About/MeetingsConferences

June 4–6. Advanced Hands-On CAMEO Training. Boston. Website: https://ccpe.sph.harvard.edu/Advanced-CAMEO

June 4–8. Radiation Safety Officer Training for Laboratory Professionals. Boston. Website: https://ccpe.sph.harvard.edu/RSO

June 6–9. ACS 43rd Central Regional Mtg. Dearborn, Mich. Website: cerm_regional.sites.acs.org

June 11–15. Comprehensive Industrial Hygiene: The Application of Basic Principles. Boston. Website: https://ccpe.sph.harvard.edu/Industrial-Hygiene

June 13–14. Chemspec Europe. Barcelona. Website: www.chemspecevents.com/europe

June 16–21. HPLC. 38th Intl. Symp. on High-Performance Liquid-Phase Separations & Related Techniques. Anaheim, Calif. Website: www.casss.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=338

June 18–21. BIO. Boston. Website: convention.bio.org

June 18–22. The 15th Intl. Workshop on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Environmental & Health Sciences. Tallinn, Estonia. Website: http://qsar2012.ut.ee/

June 18–22. Achema. Frankfurt. Website: www.achema.de

June 24–27. ACS 67th Northwest Regional Mtg. Boise, Idaho. Website: www.acs.org/meetings

June 24–28. DIA Ann. Mtg. Philadelphia. Website: www.diahome.org

June 24–29. IUPAC World Polymer Cong. MACRO 2012. Blacksburg, Va. Website: www.macro2012.org

July 2012

July. 4–6. 48th Intl. Conf. on Medicinal Chemistry. Poitiers, France. Website: www.medchem.fr

July 9–11. The Scale-Up of Chemical Processes. Lake Maggiore, Italy. E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk, website: www.scientificupdate.co.uk

July 10–12. Semicon West. San Francisco. Website: semiconwest.org/Exhibitors/2012

July 15–19. American Assoc. for Clinical Chemistry Ann. Mtg. Los Angeles. Website: www.aacc.org

July 15–20. BOSS XIII. 13th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symp. Leuven, Belgium. Website: www.boss13.org

July. 22–26. Foundations of Molecular Modeling & Simulation 2012. Mount Hood, Oregpn. Website: http://fomms.org

August 2012

Aug. 19–23. 244th ACS Natl. Mtg. & Expo. Philadelphia. Website: www.acs.org/meetings

Aug. 26–31. EuroQSAR—Knowledge-Enabled Ligand Design. Vienna. Website: www.euroqsar2012.org

September 2012

Sept. 2–6. EFMC-ISMC: 22nd Intl. Symp. on Medicinal Chemistry. Berlin. Website: www.ismc2012.org

Sept. 12–15. Intl. Pittsburgh Coal Conf. Pittsburgh. Website: www.engr.pitt.edu/pcc

Sept. 16–19. Polycondensation. San Francisco. Website: polyacs.net/Workshops/12Polycondensation/home.htm

Sept. 17–19. Organic Process Research & Development. Edinburgh, Scotland. E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk, website: www.scientificupdate.co.uk

Sept. 18–21. 8th World Adhesives & Sealants Conf. Paris. Website: www.wac2012.org

Sept. 23–27. Principles & Practices of Radiation Safety: Occupational & Environmental Radiation Protection. Boston. Website: https://ccpe.sph.harvard.edu/OERP

Sept. 24–26. Polyurethanes Technical Conf. Atlanta. Website: americanchemistry.com/About/MeetingsConferences

Sept. 30–Oct. 3. ACS 38th Northeast Regional Mtg. Rochester, N.Y. Website: www.acs.org/meetings

Sept. 30–Oct. 3. SPICA. Intl. Symp. on Preparative & Industrial Chromatography & Allied Techniques. Brussels. Website: www.spica2012.org

October 2012

Oct. 9–11. ACS Rubber Expo/182ndTechnical Mtg. & Educational Symp. Cincinnati. Website: www.rubber.org

Oct. 11–14. Soc. for the Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science Natl. Conf. Seattle. Website: www.sacnas.org

Oct. 14–17. Fluoropolymer. Las Vegas. Website: polyacs.net/Workshops/12fluoropolymer/home.htm

Oct. 17–20. ACS 23rd Rocky Mountain Regional Mtg. Westminster, Colo. Website: www.acs.org/meetings

Oct. 24–27. ACS 47th Midwest Regional Mtg. Omaha. Website: www.acs.org/meetings

Oct. 28–Nov. 2. Amer. Inst. of Chemical Engineers Ann. Mtg. Pittsburg. Website: www.aiche.org

Oct. 31–Nov. 3. ACS 64th Southeast Regional Mtg. Raleigh, N.C. Website: www.acs.org/meetings

November 2012

Nov. 4–7. ACS 68th Southwest Regional Mtg. Baton Rouge, La. Website: www.acs.org/meetings

December 2012

Dec. 9–12. Silicon-Containing Polymers & Composites. San Diego. Website: polyacs.net/Workshops/12Silicon/home.htm

Dec. 12–13. Ann. Intl. Conf. on Materials Science, Metal & Manufacturing. Singapore. Website: www.m3-conference.org