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ACS Launches JobSpectrum.org
With the June 1 launch of JobSpectrum.org, the American Chemical Society is giving job seekers and recruiters another way to find each other. JobSpectrum.org is an employment site on the Web designed for the chemistry world. It aims to be comprehensive, and, as with other recruitment sites, it will be open to the public. The new service is a joint effort between the ACS Publications and Membership Divisions and is designed to complement the current ACS suite of career services and Chemical & Engineering News classified ads.
JobSpectrum.org is now accepting résumés and job postings. Résumés and open positions can be posted at http://www.jobspectrum.org. Services are free to job seekers. All recruitment announcements posted before Aug. 31 will be free as an introductory offer to employers. Job seekers will be able to search and apply for jobs online, and employers will be able to search the résumé database and receive online applications.
In addition, job seekers and employers will be able to create a personal search agent that notifies them by e-mail when a résumé or job meeting their criteria is posted.
C&EN will continue to provide the chemical enterprise with the most widely read print classified advertisements. C&EN classified ads are also posted online at http://pubs.acs.org/cen for two weeks for ACS members only and for two subsequent weeks at JobSpectrum.org.
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