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Mixing of unapproved and approved modified seeds rouses critics
Concerns about contamination from unapproved genetically engineered crops, this time canola, are in the news again.
The Center for Food Safety (CFS) says a recent request to view federal regulatory filings has revealed that both Monsanto and Aventis CropScience "were aware of the contamination ... and [have] sought USDA approval in an attempt to avoid liability."
The environmental activists are calling their findings another example of the agbiotech industry's apparent inability to control the mixing of approved and unapproved seeds and crops. Less than two years ago, Aventis' genetically modified StarLink corn, not approved for human consumption, was found in the food supply and caused major disruptions for farmers, grain handlers, exporters, and food processors.
The November 2001 filings to USDA and FDA for approval of genetically engineered canola relate, in part, to contaminated seed lots that Monsanto warned about a year ago. In 1997 and again last April, the company withdrew its approved RT73 herbicide-tolerant canola seeds from Canada when they were found to contain very small amounts of a nearly identical variety, GT200. Monsanto never unearthed a reason for the initial contamination, but GT200 has not been detected since, a Monsanto spokesman says.
Monsanto never planned to commercialize GT200, and although approved in Canada, it was not widely approved elsewhere. To avoid trade issues, Monsanto said it would seek additional approvals--namely in Japan and the U.S. Japan granted approval last September, while decisions are pending at USDA and FDA. The approvals would serve largely to avoid any food recalls and crop handling disruptions if GT200 were found.
CFS and Genetically Engineered Food Alert have filed a petition with USDA, asking for a criminal investigation of Monsanto and Aventis. Expectations are that USDA and FDA, like EPA already has, will give their okay to the genetically modified canola varieties.
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