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September 2, 2002
Volume 80, Number 35
CENEAR 80 35 p. 13
ISSN 0009-2347
Biogen Sets Aside Space And Resources For Community Laboratory
Biogen has opened an 1,110-sq-ft teaching facility at its headquarters site in Cambridge, Mass. The Community Laboratory, as its called, was designed to serve Cambridge public school students. The biopharmaceutical company worked closely with the city and school system in its development.
The lab will offer exciting educational opportunities and provide students with a glimpse of how science can be applied to careers in biotechnology, Biogen Chairman and CEO James C. Mullen says. We look forward to continuing to work together to ensure it remains a resource that supports the work being done in classrooms and aids in the development of future scientists.
The laboratory space is within one of Biogens R&D buildings and is outfitted with the latest equipment and technology. This summer, nearly 50 Cambridge Rindge & Latin School 11th- and 12th-grade students enrolled in two one-week sessions on molecular genetics. Experiments included the extraction of DNA from living cells and the purification of proteins from bacteria. Biogen scientists led discussions on technology and applications to discover and develop new therapeutics.
During the school year, classes will visit the lab to conduct experiments. The company anticipates using the lab for employee and adult education programs as well.
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