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Contributors(GAB) Gary A. Baker, Natural Sciences Complex, Department of Chemistry, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-3000; 716-645-6800 ext. 2168; gabaker@acsu.buffalo.edu. (RM) Ramaiah Muthyala, Alzheimers Research Center, Regions Hospital Foundation, 640 Jackson St., St. Paul, MN 55101-2595; 651-688-7382; fax 651-688-9639; ramaiah@pioneerplanet infi.net. (DLN) Dorit L. Noether, 20 Greenbriar Dr., Summit, NJ 07901; 908-273-4926; hdnoether@worldnet.att.net. (WJP) W. Jerry Patterson, 300 Quincy Dr., S.W., Huntsville, AL 35801; 256-883-8381; jerryp@hiwaay.net. (OR) Olof Ramstrom, Laboratoire de Chimie Supramoléculaire, ISIS-Université Louis Pasteur, F-67000 Strasbourg, France; +33-388-416234; fax +33-388-411020; ramstrom@chimie.u-strasbg.fr. (DAS) David A. Schiraldi, KoSa, PO Box 5750, Spartanburg, SC 29304; 864-579-6549; dschiral@earthlink.net. (XSZ) Xiu Song Zhao, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia; +61-7-33654920; xiusongz@cheque.uq.edu.au.