Rethinking the masters degree
An industryuniversity partnership provides laboratory-intensive M.S. training in chemistry.
Ajay K. Bose, Ashit K. Ganguly, Harry Silla, Thomas Salzmann
Storing energy in carbon nanotubes Graphitic sheets form tube-shaped "chicken coops" for lithium ions and hydrogen molecules.
John E. Fischer
DEVELOPING TECHNOLOGYA better drug for Alzheimers? The authors have discovered and developed DMP 543, a candidate cognition-enhancing drug for the treatment of Alzheimers disease.
Jaan A. Pesti, Robert J. Chorvat, George F. Huhn
SUCCEEDING IN THE MARKETPLACEComputational chemistry on the desktop PC
Molecular modeling software is now available for a variety of computer platforms, opening the field to new users.
Katriona Knapman
SciFinder: A new generation of research tool A chemist in need is a chemist without SciFinder. For 5 years and running, SciFinder has been meeting the needs of the online chemical information browser.
Kirk Schwall, Kurt Zielenbach |