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December 2000
VOL. 30, NO. 12
Educating an engineerSTARTING THE PROCESS

Educating an engineer
The University of Pittsburgh has a new learning center for undergraduate chemical engineering students. The authors describe its innovative aspects and student and faculty reactions.
John N. Murphy, Alan J. Russell, Anthony B. Jones


Selective reduction with Cp2ZrHClSelective reduction with Cp2ZrHCl
Tertiary amides are convenient intermediates in multistep organic syntheses, but they’re difficult to remove selectively. This hydrozirconium reagent fills the bill.
Jonathan M. White, Ashok Rao Tunoori, Gunda I. Georg


Titanium nanoparticles move to the marketplaceTitanium nanoparticles move to the marketplace
How a mining company got into the nanotechnology business and wound up making materials for everything from environmental cleanups to cosmetics.
Douglas K. Ellsworth, Dirk Verhulst, Timothy M. Spitler, Bruce J. Sabacky


Global warming: are attitudes changingGlobal warming: Are attitudes changing?
Three years after the historic signing of the Kyoto Protocol, the international treaty on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the author seeks answers from some of industry’s top executives.
Charles W. Schmidt

Chemist at Large (editorial) Chemist at Large
Leading the Way
Leading the Way
Innovation through research and outreach
Marc C. Fitzgerald
Heart Cut Heart Cut
Patent Watch
Chemscripts Chemscripts
A simple process for removing chloroform from water
Omar Chaalal, Ali Dowaidar
Viewpoint Viewpoint
Rejuvenating catalysis
Bohdan W. Wojciechowski
Learning from the Past Learning from the Past
Earth's atmosphere before the age of dinosaurs
Octave Levenspiel, Thomas J. Fitzgerald, Donald Pettit
Touring the Net Touring the Net
There's something funny in this fruitcake
Nancy K. McGuire
In Box In Box
The Industrial Chymist The Industrial Chymist
The good, the bad, and the chemical
Ben Luberoff
The Last Word The Last Word
Chemistry conversions made easy
Annual Indexes
2000 Author Index
2000 Subject Index

This issue's cartoons