ACS Publications Division

Modern Drug Discovery


Modern Drug Discovery Home Page


Table of Contents

September-October 1998
Volume 1, Number 1


19 Deep-Lung Delivery of Proteins
John S. Patton
The large size of most macromolecular drugs such as insulin dictates delivery by injection. An alternative is needed, because the pain and fear of needles contribute to poor compliance and improper management of chronic diseases.
30 The Man Who Rescued Gliadel
Chris Pummer and Tom Hollon
If not for the efforts of Craig Smith, the first innovation in treating brain cancer in 20 years might still be an unwanted drug delivery project sitting on a shelf.
45 The impact of the Orphan Drug Act
Marlene E. Haffner
In the 15 years since the Act was signed, there has been an enormous increase in the number of drugs developed and approved to treat rare diseases. What lies ahead?
55 Mammalian pheromone reception: Of mice and men?
Nicholas Ryba and Roberto Tirindelli
Behavioral research suggests that human pheromones exist, but proof at the molecular level is still lacking. We are starting to learn the molecular details of how pheromones work in mice, which has set the stage for discovering the pheromones--if there are any--of humans.


7 Editorial
9 InBrief
65 Reviews
71 New Products
74 Meetings
76 EtCetera


Image of the body of Joseph Paul Jernigan, highlighting his lungs, for our cover story about delivery of proteins into the deep lung. After Jernigan was executed for murder with an overdose of barbiturates, his body was used for the National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project. The project created a database of digitized images of 1871 slices of his frozen cadaver. His cyberbody has found uses in prosthetic design, medical education, and the creation of virtual surgery patients. Image copyright Anatomical Travelogue, New York, NY, 1998. Internet By permission.