ACS Publications Division - Journals/Magazines
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March 2002
Volume 5, No. 3
to Masthead
Focus: Bioinformatics/Business
MDD Home

biologists: get with the program!Biologists: Get with the program!
Michael J. Felton
Life scientists need advanced computing skills to discover more about genomics and proteomics.
vaccine futuresVaccine futures
Mark S. Lesney
With greater understanding of the immune system, researchers seek new ways to protect against a host of human diseases, from AIDS to cancer.
Content in Context
One good idea

the taste of fatNews in Brief

Ad Info Now - March
Advertisers appearing in this month's issue

The Tool Box
High-throughput DNA purification

Sites and Software
Picking out the pattern

The Time Line
Flowers for the heart

maple syrup urine diseaseDiseases and Disorders
Maple syrup urine disease

Clinical Trials Track
Moving into the 21st century

New Product Notes