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Serving International Industry
  April 2001
Focus: Pittsburgh Conference
Pittcon Technical SessionsPittcon Technical Sessions
It's all bio and nano as instrumentation enters the 21st century.
Culltn T. Vogelson

Pittcon 2001: Photo Essay
The camera follows a typical attendee on the 2001 "voyage of discovery".


For OpenersFor Openers
Hotsy Tchotchke

James F. Ryan

News in brief:
business, government, scitech, internet

Chemistry Chronicles
Du Pont Strikes Paydirt at Purity Hall

Groundbreaking studies by Wallace Carothers paved the way for the development of nylon and neoprene.
David M. Kiefer

Feedback from our readers

Health PerspectivesHealth Perspectives
Exercise in Moderation
The “no pain, no gain” attitude is no longer welcome.
Linda Richards

Workplace Perspectives
Workplace PerspectivesWho Puts Bad Apples in the Barrel?
A study finds managers can make—and unmake—cynical employees.
John K. Borchardt

Computers in Chemistry
Computers in ChemistryChemicals, Files, and the Future

Aging computers can turn data into dead languages that no one can read
Charles Seiter

Instruments and ApplicationsInstruments & Applications
Unifying Chromatography

Supercritical fluids provide the practical and theoretical link between LC and GC.
Mark S. Lesney

The Chemist's Bookshelf
Starry Sister

Julie L. McDowell

Profiles in Chemistry
Linus Pauling, a Scientist for the Ages

Pauling, one of “the 20 greatest scientists of all time”, was the only person to win two unshared Nobel prizes.
George B. Kauffman and Laurie M. Kauffman

Product Information

Personal Business
Consultant, Protect Thyself
Famous cases show why chemical consultants need professional liability insurance.
Reed Millsaps

Industry Facts and Figures
Pittcon and Peers
Pittcon reflects the powerful pulse of the instrumentation industry, but it is not alone.
David Fillmore

Meetings, conferences, and short courses

Regulations and You
Regulations and YouThe Clean Air Act Targets Engine Emissions
The EPA seeks to limit NOx and SOx emissions through new diesel fuel regulations.
Michael J. Felton

Lighter Elements

Crossword Puzzle (PDF) - Solution (HTML)


ISSN 1532-4494
Copyright © 2001 American Chemical Society