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Serving International Industry
  June 2001
Focus: Biotechnology
This Little Piggy Stayed Genome

This Little Piggy Stayed Genome
Agriculture and medicine pin high hopes on plant and animal gene sequencing projects.
Mark S. Lesney
Watery Harvest
Watery Harvest
As the GMO debate rages, biotechnologists are asked to fish or cut bait.
Randall C. Willis

For OpenersFor Openers
Then and Now, No Win

James F. Ryan

Feedback from our readers

News in brief:
business, government, scitech, honors

Computers in ChemistryComputers in Chemistry
Holographic Memory and Processing

Photoaddressable polymers will enable discs to store molecular-level data.
Hank Simon

Instruments & Applications
RInstruments & Applicationseality-Check Your Fume Hoods

Laboratory hoods need to be tested periodically, exactly as they are used.
James P. Rydock

The Chemist's Bookshelf
A Cracking Good Yarn
Mark S. Lesney

Workplace Perspectives
Preparing Scientists for the “Real World”
Universities increasingly provide chemists with the knowledge to become entrepreneurs.
Cullen T. Vogelson

Lighter Elements

Personal BusinessPersonal Business
Tracking Down Pension Money
Government agencies can assist with your “detective work”.
Milton Zall

Health Perspectives
Something You Ate?
Health Perspectives
Repeated bouts of heartburn might signal bigger problems down the line.
Clyde M. Burnham

Industry Facts and Figures
Ag Biotech's Uncertain Future
The industry has shown both growth and promise, but setbacks have hurt public confidence.
David Fillmore

Chemistry ChroniclesChemistry Chronicles
Miracle Medicines
The advent of sulfa drugs in the mid-1930s gave physicians a powerful weapon.
David M. Kiefer

Meetings, conferences, and short courses

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ISSN 1532-4494
Copyright © 2001 American Chemical Society