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  ACS Publications Division - Journals/Magazines

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Serving Science and Technology
  Focus: Pharmaceuticals July 2003
  Pharma Preformulation   Pharma Preformulation (167 KB PDF)
A stop along the drug development highway.
John D. Higgins III and William L. Rocco
  Chemistry in Flatland  

Chemistry in Flatland (131 KB PDF)
From drug discovery to oil processing, innovations in membrane technology and applications have transformed separation and synthesis.
Mark S. Lesney


For Openers
First You Make a Roux
(40 KB PDF)
James F. Ryan

Recipe: Seafood Gumbo (52 KB PDF)

Update (382 KB PDF)
SciTECH Briefs and Science Bits

Character-Building ExperienceComputing and Chemistry
Character-Building Experience
(71 KB PDF)
Structures and symbols move into the Internet age.
Nancy K. McGuire

Instruments & Applications
SAXS Education
(136 KB PDF)
Small-angle X-ray scattering was eyeing micron-level structures before they were "nano".
Nancy K. McGuire

The Business Page
Industry Facts & Figures
(53 KB PDF)
Combichem: Fueling pharma.
David Filmore


Character-Building ExperienceHealth Perspectives
Diuretics Redux
(60 KB PDF)
An old drug family is reaffirmed as an effective treatment for hypertension.
Richard A. Pizzi

Personal Business
The Roth IRA: Sheltering Estate Growth
(59 KB PDF)
Also: Education tax credits.
Milton Zall

ACS Eyes the Big Apple
(739 KB PDF)
Presidential events in New York include a joint JACS/C&EN anniversary presentation.

Crossword Puzzle
Measure for Measure
(37 KB PDF)
Mark S. Lesney

Crossword Solution (html)

Product Information (106 KB PDF)
New products, literature, and websites.

Lighter Elements (57 KB PDF)
Humorous tales from readers and other sources . . . plus a cartoon.

ISSN 1532-4494