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Volume 85, Number 4: January 22, 2007

Cover Story

Process Chemistry

Companies are addressing manufacturing inefficiencies through better engineering and project management.

Cover Image

News of the Week

Observing Earth Via Satellite

Continued funding constraints will impede earth science studies.

Drug Companies Advance Diabetes Strategies

Partners back small molecules, another firm targets proteins.

Wrinkled Skins

Ion beams create surface patterns for building biosensors and other devices.

Secret Of White Beetle Revealed

Insect's bright white scales are due to randomly oriented fibers.

Lilly Restructures Manufacturing

Drugmaker scales back on insulin and chemicals, continues biotech push.

BP's Management Of Process Safety Is Criticized

Panel blames BP top management for safety deficits.

Nanoparticles Act Like Atoms

Gold spheres, bestowed with valency, are strung together in polymer-like chain.


Business Concentrates

New Zealand Plays To Its Strengths

Country's biotech efforts build on natural resources.

Nano Goes Big Time

New York and other states dole out big bucks to boost nanotechnology.

Government & Policy

Government & Policy Concentrates

Congressional Outlook 2007

Democrats pledge to tackle long-term budget challenges, increase oversight of Administration programs.

Science & Technology

Science & Technology Concentrates

Silent No Longer

Researchers unearth anotherstratum of meaning in the genetic code.

Comet Wild 2's Complex Chemistry

Particles and gas harvested during Stardust mission were formed in a turbulent early solar system.

ACS News

Comment - Percy L. Julian: 'Forever Fight To Keep Hope Alive!'


Divisions Issue Calls For Papers

Calls for papers for the fall 2007 ACS national meeting, Aug. 19–23, in Boston have been issued.


2007 ACS National Award Winners

Angelici, Bartlett, Campbell, Flagan, Freund, Heininger, Hoffman, and Katzenellenbogen.

Nominations Sought for Paul Karrer Medal

Geochemistry Division Medal Goes to Robert Aller

Constance Jeffrey Receives SBS Award

Miller and Epstein Win McGroddy Prize


Focus On Analytical Chemistry Careers

Despite slow hiring, job seekers with top skills and biology background attract recruiters' attention.

Editor's Page

Unfinished Business

The Departments




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