Back Issue
Volume 85, Number 26: June 25, 2007
Table of Contents
- News of the Week
- Business
- Government & Policy
- Science & Technology
- ACS News
- Awards
- Meetings
- Editor's Page
- The Departments

Cover Story
Biofuel Bonanza
Brazil has become a model and an ally for the U.S. in the pursuit of sustainable bioethanol, biodiesel, and bioelectricity.

News of the Week
Sweet Routes To Sustainability
Catalytic reactions convert sugars from biomass into renewable fuel and feedstock.
Chemical Abstracts Service Is New Landmark
Information service has advanced chemical sciences, technology.
Pharma R&D
Pfizer invests in South Korea, consolidates in Kalamazoo.
ICI Spurns A BId From Akzo Nobel
Stock price rises as shareholders expect another bid.
Ozone Angst
EPA proposes to tighten standard but will consider arguments for the existing one.
Calcium Under Surveillance
Sensor tracks ion in both space and time in a cell.
Chemical Heritage Foundation
Haverford College President Thomas Tritton will take CHF helm in January.
Norman Hackerman Dies At 95
Steadfast educator forged new paths to discovery.
Rough Seas For Energy Bills
Congress is off to troubled start in energy debate.
Business Concentrates
Agents of Change
A look at three managers who are pulling the drug industry into the industrial mainstream with initiatives resembling 1990s-style reengineering.
BIg Pharma Chases Dogs and Cats
Products developed for pets boost bottom line and may benefit human health, too.
Upward Movement
A new leader and a new focus contribute to revitalization of the American Chemistry Council.
A Living Plant
DuPont says propanediol is only the beginning of its industrial biotechnology offering.
Government & Policy
Government & Policy Concentrates
FDA Overhaul Gains Momentum
Lawmakers add drug safety provisions to bills reauthorizing industry user fees.
Science & Technology
Science & Technology Concentrates
A New Science Channel
Organizations and scientists experiment with YouTube as an outreach tool.
Inside Instrumentation
Technology and business news for the laboratory world.
Insights: Second Life Science
Take a scientific field trip to a digital world.
ACS News
ACS Comment
ACS governance review: a report on progress.
Professional Training
Committee will implement new guidelines in 2008 to evaluate ACS-approved baccalaureate programs.
BIOT Division Announces 2007 Awards
Carb Announces 2007 Divisional Awards
Gonter Environmental Chemistry Awardees Announced
Hendrickson wIns Doherty Award
Zare, MIller Win Inaugural Herschbach Award
Boston Is On!
Preliminary program, general information and logistics for the 234th ACS national meeting from August 19th to the 23rd.