Back Issue
Volume 85, Number 51: December 17, 2007
Table of Contents
- News of the Week
- Business
- Government & Policy
- Science & Technology
- Books
- ACS News
- Awards
- Multimedia
- Editor's Page
- The Departments

Cover Story
The Costs Of Biofuels
Two views on whether corn ethanol and, eventually, ethanol from cellulosic biomass will efficiently deliver national energy security.
Cover: Langemach/Newscom

News of the Week
Dow To Exit Commodity Chemicals
Company will form massive joint venture with Kuwaiti firm.
Eisai To Acquire MGI Pharma
Japanese firm is the latest to expand by buying a U.S. biotech firm.
House Examines Chemical Plant Security
Industry wants Congress to give DHS regulations a chance.
Bali Climate Meeting Turns Up The Heat
United Nations talks result in a push for global action.
ACS Board Actions
ACS Board of Directors sets 2008 budget, reelects Judith Benham as board chair, among other actions.
Senate Clears Energy Bill
With tax provisions removed, Senate overwhelmingly passes bill.
Middle Ground
Conference uses science to build bridges in the Middle East.
Night-Shining Clouds
Studies of high-altitude clouds may illuminate atmospheric changes.With Video
Energy Recovery
Microorganisms can help squeeze methane out of oil fields.
Enthusiasm For Inventors
Two books take a close look at the inventive scientists behind lifesaving drugs and carbonated candy.
ACS News
ACS Comment
All aboard the innovation train!
National Chemistry Week Celebrates 20 Years
The 'Many Faces Of Chemistry' theme highlights the diversity of chemists and their careers. With Photo Gallery
Environmental Improvement
Committee is promoting sustainability within ACS and in society at large.
ACS Hosts Reception To Thank Award Sponsors
Green Chemistry PRF Grants Available
ACS Scholars Program Accepting 2008-09 Applications
Henry Hill Award to Howard Peters, Ted and Arlene Light
Stickles, Bailey, and Dvornic Win Midland Section Awards
Gus Rosania Picked for Presidential Early Career Award
NIH Pioneer Award and New Innovator Award Applications Sought
Videos: Get the point!
Commercial lithium-ion and novel lithium-titanate batteries are subjected to industry standard abuse tests in three videos.
Video: High Altitude Clouds
Polar mesospheric clouds at the North Pole were observed by the AIM satellite from May to September.
Photo Gallery: Stamped In The History Of Chemisty
A selection of stamps, first-day covers, and postmarks that feature chemistry celebrities, famous molecules, and more.
Photo Gallery: Faces And Posters
The 'Many Faces of Chemistry' were on display during National Chemistry week through ACS local section promotions and the K-12 Poster Contest.
The Bali Blog: Time To Get Serious
Ministers, heads of state, men with guns and an impasse heats up the UN Climate Change Conference.
» Business
December 17, 2007

Patent Anxiety
GlaxoSmithKline's move against changes at the Patent Office highlights a perceived threat to drug research.
Cristal Clear
Titanium dioxide's new number two player gives its view of the market.
Business Concentrates 
- Arsenal Capital Selling Vertellus To Equity Firm
- Lanxess Will get Most Of Petroflex
- Indorama Seeks Eastman Polymer Plants
- Wacker Acquires Air Products Lines
- Nalco moves Into Emissions Reduction
- Johnson Matthey Is Buying Ceramics Maker
- UOP, USC To Develop Methanol From CO2
- DSM Targets China's Wind Turbine Market
- GE And Novavax Team On Flu Vaccine
- Trimeris Will End All Drug Research
- GSK Deals Target Infections, Cancer
- Invitrogen Licenses Harvard Chemistry
- Business Roundup
» Government & Policy
December 17, 2007

Group Science
After more than two decades, NSF's Chemistry Division adds a research center to its portfolio.
Government & Policy Concentrates
» more government & policy news...
» Science & Technology
December 17, 2007

Burning Batteries
Hazardous failures of lithium-ion batteries are uncommon, yet researchers strive to minimize dangers.With Videos
Chemistry stamps depict key discoveries, famous chemists, and chemical errors.With Photo Gallery
Inside Instrumentation
Technology and Business news for the laboratory world.