Back Issue
Volume 86, Number 25: June 23, 2008
Table of Contents
- News of the Week
- Business
- Government & Policy
- Science & Technology
- ACS News
- Multimedia
- The Departments

Cover Story
Devising Healthier Foods
Enhancing the good components and removing the unhealthy ones may prevent disease.

News of the Week
Hawthorne Is 2009 Priestley Medalist
Boron chemistry pioneer is recognized for lifetime contributions to inorganic chemistry.
Rohm And Haas Cuts Back
Plant closures, job cuts aim to restore profitability.
Chemistry Olympiad Team Chosen
Four high school students will travel to Budapest to represent the U.S.
Hexion Seeks To End Huntsman Deal
Firm cites Huntsman's finances, banks' reluctance as reasons to renege on merger.
National Service Awards Announced
Three chemistry educators will be recognized next year.
Evolving Science
BIO conference attendees consider the future of health care.
REACH For Carbon
To deal with nanoscale forms of carbon, Europeans amend chemical registration law.
Martian Soil Gets Baked
Gas analyzer heats sample dug by Phoenix lander.
Research Misconduct
Survey finds many incidents go unreported to officials.
Round And Round
A sample of cobalt oxide catalyst nanoparticles supported on a carbon nanofiber rotating through 360 degrees.
On The Move
Two videos recorded in a transmission electron microscope capture a lone biotinylated triamide molecule attached to a carbon nanotube-like structure undergoing conformational changes.
The Great Escape
A molecular dynamics simulation shows the escape of molecules placed inside a prism, leaving behind an empty space.
» Business
June 23, 2008

Making More In America
Cambridge Major is moving up to commercial-scale production of active pharmaceutical ingredients.
Capturing Carbon
Novomer aims to turn carbon dioxide into something useful.
Business Concentrates 
- Chip Makers Go Solar
- Kemira Will Spin Off Paints, Cut Jobs
- Celanese Settles Legacy Lawsuit
- BASF Boosts Concrete Additives In India
- Süd Chemie, Ashland Target Metal Casting
- Kelco, Fluxome Will Scale Up Resveratrol
- Dow and Toray Win Membrane Contracts
- Pfizer and Ranbaxy End Lipitor Dispute
- Asahi Kasei Buys Arthritis Drug
- Boehringer Ingelheim Will Acquire Actimis
- Bayer R&D Draws on Tobacco
- Harvard Licenses Technology To Start-Up
- Bidding War Erupts For Czech Firm Zentiva
- Business Roundup
» Government & Policy
June 23, 2008

Tougher Tank Cars
Shippers say federal plan to boost safety of hazmat rail transport needs more work.
Congress Addresses Nanotechnology
Bill reauthorizes federal initiative to monitor and guide R&D in emerging area.
Government & Policy Concentrates
» more government & policy news...
» Science & Technology
June 23, 2008

Electron Microscopy For Chemists
Advances in imaging and elemental analysis move TEM toward the realm of analytical chemistry. With Videos
A Fat Chance To Cure Cancer
Blocking fatty acid assembly is a potential strategy against disease.
Molecular Cage May Contain ... Nothing
Self-assembled prisms may enclose empty spaces rather than solvent. With Video
Inside Instrumentation
Technology and Business news for the laboratory world.