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Volume 86, Number 35: September 1, 2008

Cover Story

Breathing Easier

Cystic fibrosis patients could soon benefit from breakthrough small-molecule drugs that treat their underlying disease instead of just their symptoms.

About The Cover

Cover Image

News of the Week

Two-For-One Catalyst

Immobilizing a transition-metal complex in silver yields synergistic properties.

Chemists Receive Top Awards

ACS members are among recipients of national medals of science, technology.

Growth Amid Pharma Cutbacks

Biotech firm Gilead adds jobs, while UCB and Abbott cut back.

Two-Faced Flowers

Tobacco plants add nicotine to their nectar to improve cross-pollination.

Challenging EPA

States will sue to force agency to regulate oil refinery emissions.

Report Hits Safety Board

Auditors want agency to investigate far more industrial accidents.

O2 Requirement For Burning Rises

Experiments suggest Mesozoic oxygen levels were higher than previously expected.

Breaking C–F Bonds

Reaction could lead to ways to dispose of or recycle fluorocarbons.

CO2 As Feedstock

Mitsui will make methanol from the greenhouse gas.

ACS News

Scenes From The ACS National Meeting In Philadelphia

ACS Visits China Again

This time, society officials and journal editors go to china's national meeting.

The Departments




» Business

Sepetember 1, 2008

Rewiring Research At Pfizer

Top executives are charged with streamlining an R&D behemoth as they build a biopharma juggernaut.

VCI Is On A Roll

Germany's chemical industry association revels in the good times and is working to keep them going.

Chinese Firm Resets Course

Transformed by new managers, fine chemicals producer New Chemphy attracts big-name customers.

Insights: As Baby Boomers Retire

The government has issued clear warnings about what might lie ahead, and the chemical industry is taking steps to respond.

Business Concentrates

» Government & Policy

September 1, 2008

Freeing Basic Research

Department of Defense memo may reverse the recent rise in government restrictions on some university research.

Bringing Life To Deadly Accidents

Chemical safety board finds a powerful, popular tool in animated videos of chemical plant accidents. With Videos

Government & Policy Concentrates

» Science & Technology

September 1, 2008

A Science Sampler From Philly

Highlights include algae biofuel factories, hunting neutrinos, and more.

Untangling Hair Dynamics

Experimental setup lets researcher tease out tresses' subtle interactions.

Algae Pump Out Hydrocarbon Biofuels

When it comes to biofuels, ethanol from corn gets all the press, but redirecting the photosynthetic process to produce hydrogen or hydrocarbons is another potential source of biofuels.

Metal-Organic Liquids Detect Neutrinos

Chemists have developed new metal-organic liquids to help study the chargeless elementary particles known as neutrinos.

Tiny Devices Get A Grip

Tetherless grippers grab and move wee objects.

Sleuthing Out Contamination

Analytical chemists piece together the origin and fate of environmental contaminants.

Palladium's Hidden Talent

Structures support previously suspected pathway for making carbon-fluorine bonds.

Geotraces Gets Going

Largest ever ocean chemistry study will span about 20 years.

Tracking Ocean Iron

Hydrothermal vents could be a significant source of dissolved iron in the South Pacific.

Science & Technology Concentrates

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