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Current Issue

Volume 86, Number 41: October 13, 2008

Cover Story

Outfitting Asian Labs

Confronted with surging demand in China and India, instrument makers are boosting local sales and service capabilities.

About The Cover

Cover Image

News of the Week

Nobel Prize In Chemistry

Japanese, two Americans tapped for green fluorescent protein.

Nobel Prize In Physics

Three honored for developing fundamental theory that explains why matter persists.

Economic Woes Go International

Mounting credit crunch poses potential problem for European chemical companies.

FDA On Melamine

Agency sets standard for the chemical in food products; some in Congress want a ban.

Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine

Discoverers of HIV and cancer-causing human papillomaviruses get the nod.

Lilly To Pay Big For ImClone

$6.5 billion bid trumps offer from Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Lilly's TB Drug Initiative

Public-private partnership opens labs, begins work on new compounds to treat tuberculosis.

National Chemistry Week Set To Begin

Public awareness program will focus on the chemistry of sports.

Recycling Waste

EPA will allow companies to sell or reuse some manufacturing leftovers classified as hazardous.

Cholera Turn-On

Chemical switch activates disease-enhancing toxin.

Scientific Teamwork

Highest impact research comes from scientists at different universities, study says.

ACS News

ACS Comment

Developing leaders for the ACS of the future.

Chemluminary Award Winners Honored

Divisions, sections, and individuals recognized for efforts on behalf of ACS.


HHMI Names Next Leader

Biochemist Robert Tjian selected as new president of Howard Hughes Medical Institute.


2007 National Medal Laureates

Honorees receive medals at White House.


Investing In Employees

Four top companies to work for share their policies for attracting and retaining the best talent.

The Departments



» Business

October 13, 2008

New Lease On Life

Fresh out of bankruptcy, Solutia positions itself for growth in high-performance specialties.

Business Concentrates

» Government & Policy

October 13, 2008

From Science To Politics

Programs help scientists get involved in policy world.

Government & Policy Concentrates

» Science & Technology

October 13, 2008

Protein Aggregates Probed

Inclusion bodies may have more diverse structures than anticipated.

C&EN Talks With: Rolande Hodel

In Africa, chemist's nonprofit organization hopes to increase access to life-saving drugs.

New Products

New and notable in the chemical industry.

Science & Technology Concentrates

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