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Volume 87, Number 08: February 23, 2009

Cover Story

Pittcon Turns 60

What started as a humble gathering of analytical researchers has become a central institution for an entire field.

Pittcon: A Real Cover Story (Photo Gallery)

About The Cover

Cover Image

News of the Week

Questionable Crime-Scene Science

U.S. forensic science is inadequate, NRC says.

GSK Outlines Aid For Poor Countries

Activist group welcomes move but asks for more specifics.

Making Hydrogen Peroxide Directly

Acid treatment of catalyst support could simplify production of chemical.

Nature Chemistry Debuts

Nature Publishing Group launches a monthly chemistry journal.

LyondellBasell's Problem

Firm's European arm misses debt payments.

Energy Jobs

DOE gears up to spend big on infrastructure, renewable energy projects.

Scientists In The Streets

French researchers and teachers protest proposed government reforms. With Video

Naming What's In Cleaning Products

Activists sue companies, saying they must disclose ingredients under 1976 New York law.

Industrial R&D Spending Stalls

Investments in research will be flat in 2009.


Guiding Black Academics

Sound advice for African American scholars working to achieve tenure.


Make Your Résumé Work For You

A good résumé is a marketing tool that gets you noticed, even in a weak job market.

237th ACS National Meeting

237th ACS National Meeting

Technical program for Salt Lake City, March 22-26. Web Exclusive

The Departments



» Business

February 23, 2009

An Unlikely Hot Spot

Nearly six years after Pfizer closed down its site in Kalamazoo, the life sciences industry there is growing steadily.

Exelixis After GSK

A six-year partnership ends, and a new era begins for a biotechnology pioneer.

Fourth-Quarter Earnings Tank

Steep drop in demand from economic downturn sends chemical firms racing to cut costs.

Drug Firms Revamp

After a difficult 2008, big firms are taking aggressive restructuring steps.

Business Concentrates

» Government & Policy

February 23, 2009

The Foul Side Of 'Clean Coal'

As power plants face new air pollution controls, ash piles and their environmental threats are poised to grow.

Food Safety Reform

Latest Salmonella outbreak has renewed calls for a single food agency.

Government & Policy Concentrates

» Science & Technology

February 23, 2009

Artificial Blood

Poor clinical trial results and controversy stymie attempts to create alternatives to donated blood.

Using Stem Cells To Make Blood Substitutes

Artificial blood derived from cord blood stem cells is being tested in humans. Web Exclusive

Off-Balance Ocean

Acidification from absorbing atmospheric CO2 is changing the ocean's chemistry.

Insights: Learning From Mistakes

Lab incident at UCLA highlights need to disseminate accident information and increase safety awareness.

Science & Technology Concentrates

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