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Special Reports

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December 18, 2006

Cover Story: Chemistry Highlights 2006

Top research advances of the year range from bio to nano.

December 11, 2006

Cover Story: Monolithic Chromatography

Nontraditional column materials improve separations of biomixtures.

December 4, 2006

Cover Story: Pharma Challenged

Market shifts and generic competition create dynamic environment for drug developers.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Megadeals wane, but consolidation continues.

November 27, 2006

Cover Story: Thermo Fisher Scientific

Merger of two big players in scientific products creates lab industry giant.

Research Initiative

Walking In The Customers' Shoes.

November 20, 2006

Cover Story: Better Energy Through Chemistry

By supporting new energy creation techniques, specialty chemical companies are turning the oil and gas price run-up into a business opportunity.

Solar Revolution

The market for photovoltaics is expanding rapidly, and chemical companies are taking notice.

Fuels Of The Future

Chemistry and agriculture join to make a new generation of renewable fuels.

Start-up Firms Pursue Biofuels

Entrepreneurs invigorate search for economical biomass-based fuels.

Back To The Well

Chemistry targets cost-efficient extraction of oil and gas from mature reserves.

Microbial Methane Farming

With a boost from BASF, Luca is testing production of 'real-time' gas in mature wells.

Walking The Line

Protein motors march cargo to the extremities of a cell and drag apart DNA during mitosis.

November 13, 2006

Cover Story: Delivering RNA Interference

Developing siRNA therapeutics depends on synthetic delivery systems.

November 6, 2006

Cover Story: Employment Looks A Little Better

The economy shows signs of slowing, but firms may be hiring more chemists, engineers.

October 30, 2006

Cover Story: Losing Their Religion

Biotechs take a more "agnostic approach" to drug discovery by expanding into small molecules.

October 23, 2006

Cover Story: Bacterial Conversations

Using a chemical language, bacteria coordinate everything from infection to plaque buildup.

October 16, 2006

Cover Story: Paints And Coatings

Consolidation among paint material makers brings opportunities as well as risks.

October 9, 2006

Cover Story: Richard E. Smalley

C&EN marks the 10th anniversary of the fullerene scientist's Nobel Prize and the first anniversary of the loss of this civic-minded nanotechnology pioneer.

Multimedia: The World According to Rick

Targeting Telomerase

Researchers believe enzyme could be a nearly universal target for anticancer drugs.

October 2, 2006

Cover Story: Mass Spec Tackles Proteins

Mass spectrometry shines in applications from proteomics to structural biology, but challenges remain.

September 25, 2006

Drugs To Fight Addictions

A better understanding of the mechanisms of drug and alcohol dependence is helping to further development and use of pharmacotherapies against addictions.

September 18, 2006

Cover Story: Employment & Salary Survey

Uptick in the job market for chemists in 2006 and a routine salary boost for those with jobs.

September 18, 2006

Cover Story: FDA Turns 100

Agency has come a long way in its first century, but serious challenges remain.

September 18, 2006

Cover Story: Information Technology

Chemical companies are targeting IT investments to new applications of existing systems, including logistics management.

September 4, 2006

Cover Story: Glycosylation Engineering

Controlling personalities tame wild sugars on proteins and natural products.

September 4, 2006

Academic Opportunities

Four-part supplement explores ways in which students can individualize their chemistry and chemical engineering programs.

August 28, 2006

Putting A Spin On Electronics

Potential for advanced technologies drives search for room-temperature magnetic semiconductors.

August 28, 2006

Cover Story: Renewable Energy

Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory stands out in the spotlight created by President George W. Bush's backing of renewable energy research.

August 21, 2006

Cover Story: R&D Takes Off In Shanghai

Chemical and drug companies rush to set up corporate laboratories, straining the availability of qualified scientists.

August 14, 2006

Cover Story: Fine Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals

Producers are taking advantage of enzymes to prepare single-enantiomer compounds.

August 7, 2006

Cover Story: Battling Breast Cancer

By targeting multiple HER-family receptors, small-molecule drugs could fill the therapeutic gaps left by Herceptin.

August 7, 2006

Class Of 2005 Salaries & Jobs

Chemists' starting salaries are up a notch from 2004, but employment scene remains below par.

July 31, 2006

Cover Story: Systems Biology's Clinical Future

Although it now remains a research tool, systems biology is moving toward clinical applications, including personalized medicine.

July 24, 2006

Cover Story: Global Top 50

Dow and BASF retain the top two spots, but the chemical businesses of three big oil companies edge DuPont out of the top five of C&EN's annual survey.

July 24, 2006

Women In Industry

Women post gains in the chemical company executive suite but not in the boardroom.

July 24, 2006

Chemistry Grads Post Gains In 2005

New bachelor's and Ph.D. degrees increase, while growth in women's share continues.

July 17, 2006

Cover Story: Epigenetics

Chemical signposts on the genome's chromatin landscape turn genes on and off.

July 17, 2006

Chemical Informatics

Informaticians help scientists cope with data overload.

July 17, 2006

Stock Indexes Fall In Second Quarter

Shares of most chemical and pharmaceutical companies drop; shares of biotech firms plunge.

July 10, 2006

Facts & Figures

Chemical industry data for 2005 show continued improvements in sales and earnings.

Finances | Employment | Production | Trade | Tables: CSV Format

July 3, 2006

Elias A. Zerhouni

NIH director has steered agency through congressional inquiries and paltry budget increases with bold actions to position agency for future.

Mood Of Optimism Reigns At ACHEMA

Frankfurt chemical process industries trade fair attracts increased number of exhibitors.

ACHEMA 2006 Highlights Analysis, Automation

Frankfurt trade fair features wide range of instrumentation for process industries.

June 26, 2006

Riding On Flat Panels

Materials suppliers are under pressure to raise output, but costs are rising, and rapid growth doesn't always translate into high profits

Many Roads For CMP

As materials used to fabricate semiconductors proliferate, the planarization market is fragmenting

Second Wind For OLEDS

Organic light-emitting diodes have made strong gains, but developers of the technology aren't satisfied

June 19, 2006 - Special Issue

cover image

Pharma's Road Ahead

C&EN examines how the pharmaceutical industry, now on the defensive, is trying to win back the public's confidence and enhance productivity.

Introduction: An Industry In Transition

Business: Pharma In Flux

Science: Improving Efficiency

Government: Regulatory Trends

Web Profiles: The Human Face of Pharma

June 12, 2006

Automotive Plastics

Automakers turn to plastics to reduce manufacturing costs and make cars lighter to increase fuel economy.

June 5, 2006

Fabulous Fluorine

Having fluorine in life sciences molecules brings desirable benefits, but the trick is getting it in place and making sought-after building blocks.

June 5, 2006

Constructing Life Sciences Compounds

Fluorinated building blocks are increasingly used as the basis of valuable active molecules.

May 29, 2006

Dow Chemical

CEO Andrew Liveris outlines challenges faced by his firm as well as those of the chemical industry.

May 22, 2006


Scientists are learning the structural and mechanistic secrets of the exquisitely selective enzymes that nature uses to install halogen atoms.

May 22, 2006

Chemical Earnings Decline Slightly

Lower demand and rising costs continue to hamper results at 25 firms.

May 22, 2006

Strong Profit Gains For Big Drug Producers

First-quarter results signal that cost-cutting measures are helping the bottom line.

May 22, 2006

A Steady Start For Biopharma Companies

Larger biotech firms are starting to feel the same portfolio challenges as big pharma companies.

May 22, 2006

Analytica Meets For 20th Time

Attendance drops at biennial instrumentation trade show but still exceeds organizers' expectations.

May 15, 2006


Striking photographs reveal metallic microscapes beautiful enough to hang in an art gallery.

Top 50 Chemical Producers

Latest survey reflects several mergers and another strong year for U.S. chemical makers.

May 8, 2006

Personal Care

Synthetic polymers improve the style, feel, and functionality of the latest cosmetics.

May 1, 2006


As they launch commercial products, companies wrestle with health, safety, and other concerns and issues.

April 24, 2006

Ionic Liquids

Commercial applications are being realized for ionic liquids, but the new product registration process could limit growth.

April 17, 2006


After enduring a period of skepticism, oligonucleotide-based antisense drugs appear to be regaining favor in the investment community.

Chemical Biology: Adventure Awaits

In the interdisciplinary field, researchers are defined more by their mind-sets than skill sets.

April 10, 2006

Pharma Outsourcing

The search for a cure for cancer unites three partnerships between a drug developer and a pharmaceutical chemical company

Double Play

A successful contract with a productive drug developer leads to a second piece of business.

Speed Limit

A pharmaceutical company and its chemistry partner scramble when a drug is fast-tracked.


The effort to develop a small-molecule follow-on leads to a contract between neighboring firms.

April 3, 2006

Better Than Ever At Pittcon 2006

Attendance may be slipping, but enthusiasm for new and innovative analytical instrumentation has not waned

Pittcon, Other Trade Shows May Be Declining In Importance For Small Firms

Shimadzu Exhibits 50-Year-Old Gas Chromatograph At Pittcon

Analyzing Vaccines

Complicated mixtures that make up therapeutics vaccines provide diverse analytical challenges

Bioimaging With Mass Spectrometry

High-resolution maps of molecular species distributions are poised to benefit biology, medicine

Private Eye In The Lab

New tools and analytical methods aid chemists in forensic investigations

Multitasking Cells

Experiments in microfluidic devices suggest surprising roles for red blood cells

Building Bridges

Coalition advocates for nontraditional grant review mechanism to foster deep innovation

Chinese Instrument Market Warms Up

Chinese instrument industry lags behind the world's but has tremendous room for growth

New & Notable At Pittcon 2006

Instrumentation and More

All That Glows

Bioluminescence provides practical applications while still remaining a mystery.

Industrial Biotech Gains Momentum

Growth of commercial enzyme-mediated processes points to the future of the chemical industry.

March 27, 2006

Body, Heal Thyself

After false starts, cancer immunotherapies tiptoe toward commercialization.

March 20, 2006

Petrochemicals Keep Up The Pace

Even with a few setbacks, petrochemical makers had a decent year in 2005 and are optimistic about 2006.

Science In India

Aided by the return of expatriates and ample money for R&D, India is building its drug discovery capabilities, fostering interdisciplinary science, and developing a vibrant postdoc culture.

Building R&D For Drug Discovery

Seasoned expatriates trickle back to help Indian pharmaceutical firms push into discovery research


Indian Pharma Bets On Links With Academia And Government

Bridges Wait To Be Built

India struggles to foster interdisciplinary science

Keeping Postdocs At Home In India

A vibrant postdoc culture could invigorate India's research climate, but recruiting remains difficult

A World Apart

Divergence of undergrad education and scientific research in India has been detrimental to both

A Funding Evolution

Some of India's scientists find research dollars easier than ever to obtain, but inequities remain

March 13, 2006

Arden L. Bement Jr.

NSF director shares excitement for foundation's future, enthusiasm for ongoing research, and insights into science and technology policy issues.

Back To Business

Custom chemical manufacturers showed renewed faith in their industry at this year's Informex.

March 6, 2006

Big Pharma-Biotech Partnerships

Renewed interest in early-stage alliances helps to create a more farsighted approach to deal making.

February 27, 2006

A Magnet For Talent

Singapore prepares to move up the R&D value chain by building a research infrastructure with both foreign and homegrown talent.

An Unlikely Center For Pharmaceuticals

India has skilled labor and China has raw materials, but big drug companies prefer Singapore.

Educational Alliance Takes Next Step

Singaporean universities and MIT launch second phase of their education and research partnership.

Chemical Earnings In Fourth Quarter

Results were hard hit by effects of hurricanes; DuPont was a big factor in poor growth.

February 20, 2006


Researchers are using electrochemical techniques to observe the chemistry of neurons in the human brain.

2007 R&D Budget Lacks Balance

Sizable funding increases in a number of research areas are negated by cuts in other programs.

Vaccines Give Pharma Employment A Boost

More opportunities for chemists are likely to materialize as the field grows.

February 13, 2006

Custom Chemicals

As the global paradigm for the custom manufacturing business continuesto shift, providers struggle to differentiate themselves from the competition

Europe Adopts GMP Regulations

Directive on Good Manufacturing Practices could help level the competitive playing field

Fine Chemicals Group Offers Commonsense Steps

EFCG Reaches Milestones After First Year

Outlook Remains Cautious For 2006

Jaded industry participants are wary about predicting an upturn for custom chemicals

February 6, 2006

Chemical Spending

Firms plan large boost in capital investments but only a modest increase in R&D.

The Secret Life Of Plant Crystals

Microscopic view of plant tissue reveals a hidden world of calcium oxalate crystals of diverse shapes.

January 30, 2006

Soaps & Detergents

Specialty chemical makers seek business both with cleaning product innovators and the companies that follow them.

Automatic Dishwashing

Technology At Heart Of New Product.

Surfactant Firms End A Tough Year

Restructuring steps are taken to counteract challenges in a competitive industry.

Soap & Detergent Association

Trade Group Confronts Emerging Chemical Regulations.

January 23, 2006

Congressional Outlook

Congress will reconvene to deal with legislation on gas and oil drilling, chemical plant security, tort reform, clean air legislation, and holding down federal spending.

Flavor Chemistry

For those with analytical skills, job prospects in the food and beverage industries continue to look good.

January 16, 2006


Trade may be in decline because of changing technologies and medical advances, but glassblowers still play a pivotal role.

Stock Indexes Mixed

Chemicals and biotech improve in fourth quarter, but pharmaceuticals decline slightly.

January 9, 2006

World Chemical Outlook

United States

The chemical industry enters 2006 with many of the concerns it had in 2005.


Profitability continued in 2005, but long-term outlook for new petrochemical investment isn't good.

Latin America

The region is enjoying commercial success and hatching big plans for future growth.


Chemical industry braces for a new regulatory regime while exploiting a pickup in output.


Economies are performing strongly, but concerns linger about long-term impact of high oil prices.

January 2, 2006

President's Message

ACS President E. Ann Nalley addresses the future of the chemical enterprise.

This page updated October 23, 2006

Chemical & Engineering News
ISSN 0009-2347
Copyright © 2010 American Chemical Society