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- This page updated August 25, 2009, 4:20 P.M. ET
December 22, 2008
Cover Story: Chemical Year In Review 2008
A dozen stories reprise chemists' major achievements this year.
Government & Policy: Bush's Legacy At EPA
Agency's close links to Bush yields a mixed bag of decisions, some of which may tie the hands of the next Administration.
Education: Women Now 16% Of Chemistry Faculty
C&EN's annual survey of chemistry departments reveals a little progress.
Science & Technology: Beetle Epidemic Escalates
Applying pheromones and injecting insecticides may help prevent bark beetles from decimating trees.
What's That Stuff? Frankincense And Myrrh
Culture and chemistry meet in fragrant plant-based incense.
December 15, 2008
Cover Story: Having A Ball With National Chemistry Week
Through hands-on activities, demonstrations, and competitions, kids connect chemistry to sports.
Business: Coloring Food, Naturally
The effort to eliminate synthetics gives chemists the blues.
Government & Policy: Nanomaterial Characterization
Grassroots effort aims to improve quality of nanotoxicology studies.
Insights: When Controversy Shouldn't Exist
The science shows no link between vaccines and autism, but the public is still skeptical.
December 8, 2008
Cover Story: Genes To Gasoline
Genomics strategies provide clues for unraveling cellulosic biomass.
Cover Story: Plant Biochemistry
Lignocellulose: a complex biomaterial.
Science & Technology: Improving Metal Detection In Drugs
New standards proposed by U.S. Pharmacopeia will change how drugmakers analyze and report metal impurities.
Career & Employment: Life After Big Pharma
Chemists downsized out of big drug companies are finding new careers with contract research organizations.
Career & Employment: Onshoring
New contract research firm sees business returning to the U.S.
December 1, 2008
Cover Story: Measured Metamorphosis
Drug firms have spent the year adopting new business models aimed at igniting innovation, protecting profitability.
Cover Story: Facing The Giants
Drug companies struggle to deflect generics competition, appease cautious regulators.
Point/Counterpoint: Providing Medicines For The Poor
Two views on how the pharmaceutical industry can best meet the medical needs of impoverished people around the globe.
November 24, 2008
Cover Story: Keeping Track
Laboratory management software takes on the data explosion in life sciences.
November 17, 2008
Cover Story: High–Performance Buildings
Green designs depend on materials that reduce the energy footprint.
Cover Story: Working In A Green Building
Clients and occupants say, 'Pay the money, honey, it's worth it'.
Cover Story: Report Cards For Green Materials
Without clear product information, assembling a green building is guess work.
November 10, 2008
Cover Story: The New Deal
Seeking closer ties, drug companies and universities shake up the model for research alliances.
Cover Story:New Models For New Technologies
Enlight uses financial backing from three pharma firms to pull breakthrough technologies out of academia.
Government & Policy: Energy Crisis DéJà Vu, Or Not
Climate change may be game changer that keeps U.S. on conservation path despite tumbling gasoline prices.
Science & Technology: Underground Science
Chemistry hobbyists face a labyrinth of local and state regulations.
Education: Into the Woods
Yale rain forest expedition and lab course gives undergraduates a career-defining appetite for research.
Education: Built To Last
A question of ownership.
November 3, 2008
Special Issue: Employment Outlook
Thinking Creatively About Work
Economic turmoil points to a hazy outlook; a little imagination can open up job opportunities.
A Tough Job Market Looms
It's business as usual for now; the future is less certain.
Human Capital
Talent management is critical to recruiting.
Entrepreneurial Trailblazers
Women build businesses around their passion for science.
Extreme Chemistry
Chemists working in extreme environments mix science with adventure. With Video
International Internships
Research opportunities abroad offer students unique opportunities for career development, personal growth, and intercultural exchange.
Cultural Confusion
Working abroad is fraught with difficulties, but it is also rewarding.
Science & Technology: Seeking An Eternal Solution
Fluorinated fluid is the protagonist of an ongoing experiment in preserving biological specimens.
October 27, 2008
Cover Story: Sensitizing NMR
Dynamic nuclear polarization opens up new ways to illuminate biochemical processes.
Government & Policy: Methyl Iodide Saga Continues
EPA gives green light to soil fumigant, but California is still assessing risks.
October 20, 2008
Cover Story: Superconductivity Rekindles
Recent discovery of new high-temperature superconductors revitalizes search for practical materials.
Education: Podcasts Gain A Science Audience
Appealing, informal, and free, these digital programs connect with science groups' members and the public.
Education: Constructive Criticism
Science radio show host offers opinion about ACS's podcasts.
October 13, 2008
Cover Story: Outfitting Asian Labs
Confronted with surging demand in China and India, instrument makers are boosting local sales and service capabilities.
Science & Technology: Protein Aggregates Probed
Inclusion bodies may have more diverse structures than anticipated.
Employment: Investing In Employees
Four top companies to work for share their policies for attracting and retaining the best talent.
October 6, 2008
Cover Story: The Other Scarce Resource
Water treatment firms help industry close the water loop.
Cover Story: Everyday Products Carry A Hidden Global Cost
Consumers looking for the latest metric to understand their own deleterious effect on the planet can calculate their water footprint.
Cover Story: In New U.S. Initiative, Geologists And Planners Work Together To Avert Water Wars
Managing water supply and demand in the western U.S. is akin to managing a household's finances, only on a much more dramatic scale.
Government & Policy: Debating Science
Presidential candidates answer science policy questions.
Government & Policy: Get Ready For Nanotech Food
Nanoscale materials are hitting the U.S. market in a wide range of food products.
Employment: Networking Know-How
It's not just about finding a job, it's about building relationships.
September 29, 2008
Cover Story: Unraveling Breast Milk
Analytical scrutiny reveals how complex fluid nourishes infants and protects them from disease.
September 22, 2008
Cover Story: Resetting Priorities
The already challenging path to an HIV vaccine takes a hard turn after recent clinical trials.
Antiretroviral Agents May Help Avoid Infection
A vaccine may be the ultimate way to prevent HIV infection.
New Antiretrovirals
In recent years, new drugs have brought better options for controlling HIV.
September 15, 2008
Cover Story: Ion Mobility-Mass Spec Combo
Adding ion mobility to mass spectrometry brings new levels of separation and information to analyses.
Science & Technology: Rethinking Schizophrenia
Advances could spur treatments for more symptoms than current drugs address.
September 8, 2008
Cover Story: A Chemical Map Of The Mind
Targeted radiotracers help drugmakers navigate the neurological landscape by positron emission tomography.
Business: To Catch A Cheat
Clinical chemists battle products designed to fool workplace drug tests.
Education Supplements
Communities Of Practice
This year's education supplement looks at green chemistry curricula.
The Ivory Tower Goes Green
Green chemistry is transforming the curriculum.
Rocky Mountain Green
News from the sixth annual ACS Summer School on Sustainability & Green Chemistry.
Staying Alive
A cadre of scientists is trying to revitalize the nuclear and radiochemistry fields.
Small-Scale Chemistry
Primarily undergraduate institutions provide students with a quality chemistry education.
A Purposeful Break
Recharge your academic career—and your life—with a sabbatical.
September 1, 2008
Cover Story: Breathing Easier
Cystic fibrosis patients could soon benefit from breakthrough small-molecule drugs that treat their underlying disease instead of just their symptoms.
Government & Policy: Bringing Life To Deadly Accidents
Chemical safety board finds a powerful, popular tool in animated videos of chemical plant accidents. With Videos.
August 25, 2008
Cover Story: Heading To Market With MOFs
For Metal-Organic frameworks, lab-scale research is brisk as commercialization begins.
Special Issue: Sustainability
Converging Pathways
Chemical companies and environmentalists edge closer together in the pursuit of sustainability.
Accounting For Sustainability
International standards help companies talk about sustainability
Calling All Chemists
Chemists and chemical engineers will be providing the thousands of technologies needed to achieve a more sustainable world.
Biofuels, Batteries, And Solar Cells: The Future Of Driving
Plug-in hybrid vehicles offer the possibility of running on a combination of low carbon emissions and carbon-free electricity. Web Exclusive
The Haber-Bosch Reaction: An Early Chemical Impact On Sustainability
Ammonia production helped boost global agriculture but also led to unsustainable population growth. Web Exclusive
Sticks and Carrots
From individuals to international governmental bodies, moving toward sustainability requires policy.
It's In The Bag
The case of paper versus plastic.
Individual Effort
One famous man's drive toward personal sustainability.
» more Sustainability coverage...
August 18, 2008
Cover Story: Sustainability
Learning to live off the sun in real time.
August 11, 2008
Cover Story: Dow’s Dioxins
Saga of pollution, politics, and struggle over cleanup has nationwide implications.
August 4, 2008
Cover Story: Interaction Yields
Academia and industry work together to foster new routes to chiral compounds
July 28, 2008
Cover Story: Global Top 50
Sales and profits rise at most of the world's top chemical companies
July 21, 2008
Cover Story: Piece By Piece
More and more companies are using fragment-based lead design as a drug discovery strategy
July 14, 2008
Cover Story: Electronic Chemicals
New materials from chemical companies are helping the electronics industry advance solar power, semiconductors, and lighting.
The Sun Shines On Electronic Materials
Booming photovoltaic industry fuels demand for wider range and larger volume of materials.
Chipping In For Chips
Through a series of semiconductor alliances, IBM taps the chemical industry's materials expertise.
The Bulb Is Flat
Organic light-emitting diodes are taking shots at incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs.
July 7, 2008
Cover Story: Introduction: Facts & Figures Of The Chemical Industry
The chemical industry began to feel the impact of a changing economy in 2007
Editor's Page: Facts & Figures
The most complete set of statistics on the chemical industry available anywhere for the cost of membership in the American Chemical Society.
Finances: Growth In Demand Mitigates Soaring
Profits decreased, but strong finances supported capital spending
Download FInances (PDF size: 412 KB)
Employment: Jobs Decrease In Most Regions
Japan was the only country to see major employment growth, U.S. continues decline
Download Employment (PDF size: 744 KB)
Production: Gains In Chemical Output Decline
Production growth tapered in Europe but increased in Asia
Download Production (PDF size: 304 KB)
Trade: Export Patterns Shift With Falling Dollar
U.S.'s trade balance turned positive, and Europe's costly exports faded
Download Trade (PDF size: 140 KB)
June 30, 2008
Cover Story: Pyrotechnics For The Planet
Chemists seek environmentally friendlier compounds and formulations for fireworks and flares
June 23, 2008
Cover Story: Devising Healthier Foods
Enhancing the good components and removing the unhealthy ones may prevent disease
Understanding Healthier Foods With Analytical Chemistry
Figuring out exactly what's in the food you eat calls for chemists and their analytical instrumentation
June 16, 2008
Cover Story: Contained Chemistry
Synthesizing highly potent compounds is a lucrative and growing niche for custom chemical manufacturers
Filling A Highly Potent Niche
Drug companies want to create conjugates of potent drugs and biological molecules, and custom manufacturers are complying
Drug Conjugates Advance In Clinical Trials
Many new therapies combining a highly potent drug compound and delivery molecule are targeting cancer
June 9, 2008
Cover Story: Communal Living
Scientists across academia and industry are making a concerted effort to understand and control bacteria that form biofilms
Exploiting Biofilms
BASF Explores Using Bacterial Surfaces To Its Advantage
June 2, 2008
Cover Story: Harnessing Helices
Chemical braces hold peptides in place, heralding a potential new class of therapeutics
Peptide Stabilization
There's More Than One Way To Steady A Helix
May 26, 2008
Cover Story: Up From Desktops
The leading suppliers of personal and business information technology—Microsoft, Google, Dell—are making a move in the life sciences laboratory
BASF Is Betting On The Farm
Spending on agriculture R&D nets a new herbicide and a biotech partnership
A Tsunami Of Electronic Waste
No high-tech solutions for the detritus of the Information Revolution
The Import Of Impact
New types of journal metrics grow more influential in the scientific community
House Cleaning
Coping with errors, ambiguity, and fudging in the realm of citations
May 19, 2008
Sourcing From China
Despite recent problems, Chinese suppliers remain an essential source of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals
May 12, 2008
Cover Story: Seeking Sustainability
Ingredient makers strive to understand and satisfy cosmetic labeling promises
Sorting Through The Confusion In Personal Care Certification
Analytical Chemistry Comes To The Fore
Testing is critical for preventing and detecting contamination of drugs, food
Heparin Undone
A consortium of scientists raced against the clock to identify the cause of adverse reactions
Anatomy Of A Pet Food Catastrophe
Investigators deployed an array of analytical tools while probing a wave of pet deaths in 2007
Agency Depends On In-House Forensic And Toxicological Expertise
FDA scientific units have compiled evidence needed for several high-profile cases
May 5, 2008
Cover Story: The Forever Waste
A long view of high-level radioactive waste raises ethical questions of intergenerational responsiblities
April 28, 2008
Cover Story: Chromatography In The Extreme
Smaller particles, higher pressures, and other unconventional conditions spur speed and efficiency in separations
April 21, 2008
Cover Story: Lab-To-Market Connection
Specialty chemical companiestry to ward off commoditization of their products with a mix of marketing, formulation, and basic R&D
Buzzword In The Engine
Sustainability push highlights the role of specialty products in consumer and industrial markets
April 14, 2008
Cover Story: An Uphill Battle
With short lives and uncertain profits, antibiotics are a unique development challenge for drug companies
Imminent Threat
As gram-negative bacteria become resistant to current antibiotics, the search for new drugs accelerates
The Ketek Effect
Biotechs worry that FDA has gotten tougher on approving new antibiotics
April 7, 2008
Cover Story: Surface Science's Sage
Priestley Medalist Gabor A. Somorjai has been advancing surface chemistry for nearly five decades
Accepting The Medal In His Own Words
Molecular Chemistry And Catalysis By Surfaces
Gabor A. Somorjai
'Father of Modern Surface Chemistry' Helped To Advance High-Tech Industries
March 31, 2008
Cover Story: Building Businesses
Turning university research into products takes time, money, and initiative as four nanotechnology companies' experiences show
Stock Market
Indexes Track Pool Of Public Nanotech Companies
March 24, 2008
Cover Story: Pittcon Returns To The 'Big Easy'
Annual instrument show convenes in partially recovered New Orleans
Moving From Bench To Bedside
Symposium emphasizes need to translate spectroscopic methods from the lab to the clinic
Clues At The Scene Of The Crime
Advances in forensics push the limits of trace analysis and raise public interest in science
New And Notable At Pittcon
Scientific Instrumentation And More
Pittcon Awards 2008
Researchers receive honors for achievements in analytical chemistry and spectroscopy
March 17, 2008
Cover Story: Coal: The New Black
Long eclipsed by oil and natural gas as a raw material for high-volume chemicals, coal is making a comeback
March 10, 2008
Cover Story: Pharma Outsourcing
Small U.S. biopharmaceutical companies scour the globe to find manufacturing partners that can best meet their needs
Closely Linked
CASE STUDY #1: A unique deal with Siegfried helps Arena Pharmaceuticals advance its first product.
Keeping Baby Home
CASE STUDY #2: Anthera finds stability and flexibility in Albemarle, its manufacturing partner for its most precious asset.
Repelling Radiation
CASE STUDY #3: Cleveland BioLabs and SynCo Bio Partners huddle on a second shot at a defense contract.
March 3, 2008
Cover Story: Max Planck Society Moves Stateside
Germany's prestigious research society sets up shop in Florida even as it faces criticism at home
Looking Back
Society Addresses Its Difficult Past.
Employment & Salary Survey
In 2007, job market for chemists continued to improve and salary gains held at recent level of close to 5%.
February 25, 2008
Cover Story: Side Effects
Pharmaceuticals have been finding their way into our environment for a long time, but just what are they doing there?
What To Do With Your Unused Pharmaceuticals
Open up any medicine cabinet and you'll probably see shelves crammed with expired and unused medications.
February 18, 2008
Cover Story: Future-Oriented Spending
Chemical firms plan an 8.6% capital spending increase in 2008 but forecast a more modest 6.0% rise in R&D
February 11, 2008
Cover Story: Personalized Medicine
Armed with the decoded human genome, drug researchers and clinicians are working to close the gap between patient and therapy.
NCI Leads Push To Standardize Management Of Biological Specimens
Personalized medicine starts with biological specimens.
Major Research Centers Launch Efforts In Personalized Medicine
As drug discovery scientists shift their focus to the molecular characterization of disease, two major cancer research institutes are gearing up with new facilities dedicated to such personalized medicine.
February 4, 2008
Cover Story: China's Pharma Leaps Into Discovery
With breathtaking speed, Chinese contract research organizations have developed drug discovery services that go far beyond basic synthesis.
WuXi PharmaTech
China's Leading CRO Helps Transform The Way Drugs Are Discovered
January 28, 2008
Cover Story: Entering The Tiger Cage
Consumer demand for environmentally friendly cleaning products has changed the game for chemical suppliers.
Reaching Common Ground, Globally
Regulatory oversight doesn't mirror the shifts taking place in drug ingredient manufacturing
Optimism Prevails In Fine Chemicals
Signs point to a brighter business outlook, but the glass could be half empty for some custom chemicals firms
January 21, 2008
Cover Story: Greener Cleaners
Consumer demand for environmentally friendly cleaning products has changed the game for chemical suppliers.
Energy Impact
Small Danish Firm Has Big Hit With Cold-Water Formula
Green Advantage
Cognis And Alco Benefit From Natural Chemistry Roots.
January 14, 2008
Cover Story: World Chemical Outlook
The subprime mortgage mess and $100-per-barrel oil are making the economic picture at the turn of the year look like a small white ball bouncing on a roulette wheel.
United States
Economic woes may impact chemical industry growth, but a major downturn is unlikely.
Despite mixed results, the industry is optimistic about the future.
Latin America
Chemical projects abound in the fast-growing region.
Chemical industry rides the crest of the business cycle but readies for possible slowdown.
Although region is still going strong, outlook darkens.
January 7, 2008
Cover Story: The Centrality Of Chemistry: Our Challenges And Opportunities
Let's celebrate and communicate the centrality of chemistry and advocate for science education.
Enzyme Opens For Business
Transglutaminase 2 structure may pave new route to developing treatments for celiac disease.
» Perspective

Happy Birthday, Love Canal
It's been 30 years since the neighborhood surrounding America's most famous toxic waste dump was evacuated, yet its legacy is still unfolding. » read more...

The latest environmental science and technology news
December 2, 2009
Honolulu to implement cooling with deep-sea water
Novermber 25, 2009
Confronting the role of non-CO2 pollutants in global warming
Salmon as transport vectors for mercury
Closing the Environmental Toxicology Gap
» Latest Multimedia
* Macromedia Flash Player is required.
» more multimedia...
» Videos

June 28, 2010
Nanostructure Dynamics
Imaging: Time-resolved electron tomography provides 3-D views on ultrafast timescale.

May 24, 2010
Dendrimersomes Debut
Supramolecular Chemistry: Self-assembled dendrimer-based structures could deliver drugs, other substances.

May 24, 2010
Dendrimersomes Debut
Supramolecular Chemistry: Self-assembled dendrimer-based structures could deliver drugs, other substances.

May 10, 2010
Lisa P. Jackson
EPA administrator is blazing trails, from regulating greenhouse gas emissions to reforming chemical management policies.

May 24, 2010
Gussman Talks Grub
Sgt. Neil Gussman demonstrates the differences between the military rations of the 1970s and today's Meals, Ready-To-Eat (MREs).

March 22, 2010
An Impasse Grows In Thailand
Political instability stops construction at chemical plants worth billions of dollars.

March 15, 2010
Stirring Liquid Metals Without A Stir Bar
Heat and a magnetic field lead liquid lithium to swirl on its own, like a whirlpool.

March 15, 2010
Neuroscience: The Two Faces Of Pleasure And Desire

March 8, 2010
Carbon-Fixing Enzymes Line Up
Blue-green algae arrange carbon fixation enzyme compartments for maximum efficiency.

March 1, 2010
A World View At India's Dishman
Smart acquisitions and a knack for retaining foreign employees propel growth of drug ingredients producer.

February 8, 2010
Lights, Camera, Chemistry
Learning how to make lab demonstration videos can pay off for instructors and students.

February 8, 2010
Lights, Camera, Chemistry
Learning how to make lab demonstration videos can pay off for instructors and students.

February 5, 2010
Reaction-Driven Mixing
Fluid Dynamics: Chemical interactions drive convection and stirring.

January 11, 2010
Templating A Molecular Donut
Nanotechnology: Molybdenum oxide cluster provides seeding ground to form donut-shaped structure.
» Photo Galleries

April 26, 2010
Gypsy Moths Keep Fluttering
ACS Meeting News: Chemical treatments to rein in invasive pest have evolved, but it's still expanding its range.

April 15, 2010
Scenes From The ACS Meeting In San Francisco

March 22, 2010
An Impasse Grows In Thailand
Political instability stops construction at chemical plants worth billions of dollars.

October 5, 2009
Materials For Adventure
New fibers and membranes make outdoor gear lighter and more comfortable.

September 28, 2009
Getting By On Little Water
Advances in breeding and basic science confer drought tolerance to crops.

April 6, 2009
Scenes From The ACS Meeting In Salt Lake City
A photo spread and slideshow of the 237th National Meeting.

February 23, 2009
Pittcon: A Real Cover Story

February 2, 2009
Leather From Another Era
In the Hazaribagh district of Dhaka, Bangladesh, archaic tanneries put workers and the environment at ris

December 15, 2008
Having A Ball With National Chemistry Week
Through hands-on activities, demonstrations, and competitions, kids connect chemistry to sports
» Audio/Podcasts

April 26, 2010
Francis S. Collins
NIH director discusses challenges, opportunities driven by health care reform, stimulus spending, and fast pace of scientific discovery.

March 8, 2010
Molecular Dynamics In Real Time
Five decades of laser technology shine light on chemistry fundamentals.

March 8, 2010
Molecules At Surfaces And Interfaces
Five decades of laser technology shine light on chemistry fundamentals.

March 8, 2010
Electron Dynamics
Five decades of laser technology shine light on chemistry fundamentals.

March 9, 2009
On The Bubble
Cleantech start-ups and investors weigh the odds of growing during a downturn

February 2, 2009
New Leader Takes Over At NIEHS
Toxicologist Linda Birnbaum charts course for NIH institute

November 17, 2008
Chemistry, Culture, and Camaraderie
The international chemistry olympiad offers an experience worth its weight in gold

November 17, 2008
Happy Birthday, Love Canal
It's been 30 years since the neighborhood surrounding America's most famous toxic waste dump was evacuated, yet its legacy is still unfolding
» Other Multimedia

April 27, 2009
Cellulosic Scale-Up
DOE-backed ethanol producers encounter difficulties converting waste streams to commercially viable fuel.

June 11, 2007
CAS Timeline
100 years of progress from volunteers and index cards to cutting edge computers, see the progress of CAS.

June 11, 2007
The Incredible Vastness of Data
In the hands of CAS, a morass of data points ends up telling epic research stories, page by page.
» C&EN Blogroll
» C&EN's Amanda Yarnell reports from CHEMRAWN XII in Cape Town, South Africa, where chemists from around the continent and the world have gathered to discuss their efforts to ensure an adequate and sustainable supply of food for the people of Africa.
Live from Bali: The UN Climate Change Conference
» Daily dispatches of news and observations from The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia from Environmental Science & Technology's Erika Engelhaupt.
Blog: ACS Fall National Meeting 2007
» Daily dispatches from the 234rd National Meeting & Exposition in Boston from Chemical & Engineering News reporters.
Chemistry's Long Tail
» Taken together, three books describe a future for working chemists who will need something different from their professional society
Blog: Brazil!
» Daily dispatches from a 10-day research and meeting trip in Brazil from Chemical & Engineering News and Environmental Science & Technology reporters.
Blog: ACS Spring National Meeting 2007
» Daily dispatches from the 233rd National Meeting & Exposition in Chicago by Chemical & Engineering News reporters.
Blog: ACS Fall National Meeting 2006
» Daily dispatches from the 2006 ACS Fall National Meeting in San Francisco from Chemical & Engineering News reporters.
Blog: ACS Spring National Meeting 2006
» Daily dispatches from the 2006 ACS Spring National Meeting in Atlanta from Chemical & Engineering News reporters.
Blog: C&EN @ AAAS
» Daily dispatches from the AAAS 2006 Annual Meeting by a pair of Chemical & Engineering News reporters.