Archive: 2011 | 2010
Welcome to JACS Research In C&EN, an up-to-the-minute collection of news about the latest discoveries from the pages of the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
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Welcome to JACS Research In C&EN, an up-to-the-minute collection of news about the latest discoveries from the pages of the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Electronics: Metal-carbon bonds increase electrical conductance.
Stereochemistry: Enzymelike pocket that hosts chiral species controls catalyst's enantioselectivity.
Scientists find that peptoid-based materials form from compressed monolayers.
Fluorinated metal-organic framework materials selectively adsorb hydrocarbons.
With the promise of treating cancer, Alzheimer's, and HIV, this family of marine natural products continues to intrigue scientists more than four decades after its discovery.
The pharmaceutical company Eisai introduced Halaven, a compound that requires 62 chemical transformations to make.
Electronics: Metal-carbon bonds increase electrical conductance.
Stereochemistry: Enzymelike pocket that hosts chiral species controls catalyst's enantioselectivity.
Scientists find that peptoid-based materials form from compressed monolayers.
High-throughput technique quickly evaluates possible RNA modifications.
Coupling photosystem I and a cobalt complex yields an inexpensive yet active catalyst.
Fluorescence Imaging: Monitoring cells as they dissolve bone may lead to disease treatments.
All-organic porphyrin displays electronic properties amenable to solar energy collection.
Molecular dynamics simulation shows boost in electron tunneling for elongated designer molecule.
Biochemistry: Damaged DNA building block hints at the origins of life's redox catalysts.
Organic Synthesis: Combined route to complex cyclic products saves steps, improves yields.
Nuclei of fullerene-caged hydrogen molecules respond quickly to irradiation.
ACS Meeting News: Cyclization and nitrene insertion star in synthesis.
Organic Chemistry: First stable alpha-boryl aldehydes ease preparation of complex small molecules.
The peptide adopts at least 10 conformers in solution, explaining why its structure had only been partially characterized.
A quicker, more efficient, and stereocontrolled route to a key intermediate streamlines natural product syntheses.
Medicinal Chemistry: Modified compound shows promise against hard-to-treat bacteria.
A computational study counters the interpretation of previous work describing differences between sugar isomers.
Solvent molecules expelled from or incorporated into molecular gel networks control the material's opaqueness.
Peptide-based molecules form tubes and helices.
Electron waves associated with core-shell particles lead to thinner better-performing devices.
Non-canonical amino acids incorporated into multicellular organism.
Materials Science: Sensors' response to surface tension can also differentiate liquids.
Inorganic Chemistry: Heterocycle traps an uncharged palladium atom in an odd host-guest interaction.
A historic case of fraud in the chemistry community leaves many questions and issues unresolved.
Biochemistry: Enzyme catalyzes attachment of hydrophobic modifier to peptides in a new way.
NMR Spectroscopy: New device allows chemists to apply pressure to proteins during NMR experiments.
Stereochemical Analysis: New method quickly reveals the composition of mixtures of enantiomers of carboxylic acids.
An electrochemical study suggests one of prion protein's normal roles may be copper-driven cellular signaling.
Stereochemical Analysis: New method quickly reveals the composition of mixtures of enantiomers of carboxylic acids.
Model substrate provides biologically active platform on which to study dynamic cell and tissue processes.
Carbanion-based route is likely path for recently discovered post-translational protein modification.
A metal complex turns on and lights up nuclei by binding to histidine rather than to DNA like other imaging agents.
With the help of a titanium alkylidyne reagent, chemists have found a way to make ethylene from ethane at room temperature.
Metal oxide nanoparticles convert ethanol to isobutene.
Polyketide natural product kibdelone C made for first time.
Therapeutics: Nucleic acid structures enter cells readily, control gene expression.
Structural Biochemistry: G-quadruplex structure in crowded solution revealed.
Biosensors: A strip of filter paper changes color when exposed to bacteria.
Synthetic Sensors: New probe fluoresces when it binds to a common bacterial molecule.
Materials: Process that damages batteries yields desirable form of carbon.
Method for making analogs of metal oxides avoids hydrofluoric acid.
Molecular dipoles induce mirror-image nanotube dipole that screen molecules from IR light.
Revised version of ruthenium catalyst improves selectivity for Z alkenes in olefin metathesis reactions.
Electronics: Researchers link polymer nanowires to single molecules.
Peptide Chemistry: gamma-Amino acid stabilizes structural copycat.
ACS Meeting News: Two-component strategy translates trace analytes into a colored readout.
Organometallics: Erbium complex displays new magnetic features that could lead to practical uses.
Reactive boron-carbon clusters have two resonance forms that exhibit significantly different reactivity patterns.
Inspired by nature, scientists build walking molecules that stay on track.
Ring-opening reaction provides a better route to oligomer building blocks for making optoelectronic materials.
Blocked active site allows scientists to visualize enzyme-inhibitor complexes that couldn't be seen before.
Calculations suggest the C-H activation/Cope rearrangement combo can be customized to deliver multiple chiral products.
Materials Science: Researchers produce an all-carbon composite solar cell from organic components suspended in water.
New findings reveal that induced pluripotent stem cells can have problematic mutations.
Shuttling drugs away from their intended targets can sometimes transform them into good antimicrobials.
Unusual double-bridging complexes reveal their ability to insert CO2 and form carboxylates.
Cleavage of alkyl halide initiators proceeds via a concerted process rather than a stepwise mechanism.
Biology: Illuminating a kinase bearing unnatural lysine reveals cell-signaling cascade.
Organic Synthesis: Extensive search reveals metal complex that makes natural product's crowded bond.
Mechanical stress increases the rate at which structural collagen is degraded by an enzyme.
Biophysics: Find adds fodder to question about nature of overextended DNA.
Catalysis: Novel mode of end-on oxygen binding discovered in palladium complexes.
Scientists could use the 18F-glutamine derivatives to track tumors that use glutamine as an alternative energy source.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Polymorphs convert under mild conditions.
Reaction converts aromatic alkynes to heterocycles in presence of palladium catalyst.
Synthesis: Method couples various metals in predetermined sequences.
Spectroscopy: Technique yields unprecedented resolution in 17O NMR spectra of proteins in solution.
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